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TB 55-1500-334-25
Section I. GENERAL
a. Flashpoint. The lowest temperature at which
1-1. Introduction.
the fluid will give off sufficient vapor to ignite momentarily
when a flame is applied to the vapor.
a. MIL-H-5606 is a petroleum base hydraulic fluid
and is presently specified for use in most A my rotary
b. Fire point. The lowest temperature at which
wing and fixed wing aircraft. Because of its relatively low
the vapor given off will burn continuously after the source
flashpoint (200 ), it has been considered a safety
of ignition is removed.
hazard. In an effort to remove the vulnerability of aircraft
systems and related support equipment to accidental or
Spontaneous ignition temperature.
combat-incurred fires, hydraulic fluid MIL-H-83282 has
temperature at which the fluid ignites without an external
been developed as a directly interchangeable fluid which
flame or spark.
is significantly less susceptible to fire (flashpoint 400 ).
d. Closed and/or dead end components. These
MIL-H-83282  consists  of  a  synthetic
are hydraulic components that are self contained and
hydrocarbon base and contains additives which provide
have little or no circulation of hydraulic fluid.  These
superior anti-wear characteristics and inhibit oxidation and
components may be a part of a basic hydraulic system
corrosion  MIL-H-83282  has  an  operational  high
but may be "closed" from the basic system until actuation
temperature limit of 400 as compared to 275 for MIL-
of the component is required, (e.g., closed system, lag
These factors should provide significantly
dampeners and shock struts; dead end component, cargo
improved  reliability.
Flashpoint,  fire  point,  and
hook emergency release).
spontaneous  ignition  temperatures  of  MIL-H-83282
exceed that of MILH-5606 by greater than 200 , and
e. Viscosity. The measure of the resistance to
tests show that MIL-H-83282 extinguishes itself when the
external source of flame or heat is removed.  MIL-H-
flow of a liquid at specific temperatures
83282 s compatible with all materials used in systems
presently employing hydraulic fluid MIL-H-5606 and may
1-4. Report of Equipment Publication Improvements.
be combined with the latter fluid with no adverse effect
except a degradation of its fire-resistant properties.
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
However, the presence of MILH-5606 in amounts
improving this publication by the individual user is
exceeding 3 percent by volume will compromise the fire-
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form
resistant performance of MIL-H-83282. Although MIL-H-
2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank
83282 exceeds the performance of MIL-H-5606 at normal
Forms) and forwarded direct to Commander, US Army
temperatures, the viscosity of MIL-H-83282 increases at
Aviation Systems Command, ATTN: AMSAV-MMD, 4300
low temperatures, therefore use of MIL-H-83282 must be
Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120.
within the limitations set forth In Section IV of this
technical bulletin.
1-5. Scope.
1-2. Purpose.
a. This technical bulletin Is published to provide
field personnel with specific instructions for initial
The purpose of this TB is to provide instructions
conversion of Army aircraft and ground servicing
for converting hydraulic systems from MIL H-5606 to MIL-
equipment from MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid to MIL-H-
H-83282  hydraulic  fluid.
The  TB  also  provides
83282, a fire resistant hydraulic fluid. Once conversion of
instructions for testing the hydraulic fluid in converted
aircraft Is complete, essential information from this TB will
systems  to  determine  the  adequacy  of  flushing
be Incorporated in the aircraft maintenance manuals, and
this TB will be cancelled.
1-3. Definitions.
b. Deleted.
For the purpose of this bulletin, the following
definitions will apply:
Change 7
1-1/(1-2 blank)

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