![]() TB 55-1500-334-25
SAS system as indicated in paragraph B-6d). Activate
anti-torque controls. Turn on power to SAS and after
armament system by putting battery switch in the "ON"
lights go out switch on each individual cylinder. Leave
position, inverter switch "ON", master arm switch "SAFE"
switches on and actuate controls until fluid from drain line
and the turret selector "Gunner." Flush until fluid from
runs in an unbroken stream.
drain line runs in an unbroken stream.
Turn off power to SAS and switch off
i. Secure the SAS and armament systems.
individual cylinders. Relieve pressure from #1 system.
Relieve the pressure from the #2 system and remove the
Disconnect pressure hose and drain hose from ground
pressure and drain hoses from the ground test couplings.
test couplings. Connect return hose from reservoir to
Connect the return line from the reservoir to the ground
ground test coupling (return) and cap ground test coupling
test coupling and cap the ground test coupling (pressure).
j. Remove filter bowls, clean bowls, install new or
f. Disconnect the return hose to the reservoir at
cleaned filter elements and reinstall filter bowls.
the ground test coupling, #2 system, and allow hose to
drain. Connect drain hose to the coupling and place
k. Fill both reservoirs with MIL-H-83282 hydraulic
unattached end of the hose in an open container.
g. Connect pressure hose from ground service
unit to the ground test coupling (pressure) #2 system.
engine run at flight idle.
h. Bring hydraulic pressure to 1000 psi and meter
hydraulic fluid into the aircraft hydraulic system while
actuating cyclic, collective, and SAS system, (activate
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