![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
(2) The
the number to indicate hundredths, and multiplying the
organizational level of maintenance represents one
decimal factor by the parts quantity authorized
initial prescribed load for a 15-day period for the number
allowance for 51-100 allowance column. Example:
of equipments supported. Units and organizations
authorized allowance for 51-100 equipments is 40; for
authorized additional prescribed loads will multiply the
150 equipments, multiply 40 by 1.50, or 60 parts
number of prescribed loads authorized by the quantity of
repair parts reflected in the density column applicable to
(4) The basis of issue for authorized special
the number of items supported to obtain the total
tools, test and support equipment is the number of end
quantity of repair parts authorized.
items of equipment supported.
(3) The basis of issue for authorized special
h. One-year Allowance per 100 Equipments /
tools, test and support equipment is the number 'of end
Contingency Planning Purposes. Indicates opposite the
items of equipment supported.
first appearance of each item, the total quantity required
(4) Organizational
for distribution and contingency planning purposes. The
maintenance for more than 100 of these equipments
range of items indicates total quantities of all authorized
shall determine the total quantity of parts required by
items required to provide for adequate support of 100
converting the equipment quantity to a decimal factor by
equipments for one year.
placing a decimal point before the next to the last digit
i. Illustration. Illustrations appear in the narrative
of the number to indicate hundredths, and multiplying
portion of this manual. This column is divided as
the decimal factor by the parts quantity authorized in the
51-100 allowance column.
Example; authorized
(1) Figure number.
Indicates the figure
allowance for 51-100 equipments is 40; for 150
number of the illustration in which the item is shown.
equipments, multiply 40 by 1.50, or 60 parts required.
Appearances of the letters "MS" in this column indicate
(5) Subsequent changes to allowances will be
maintenance supplies located in section V.
limited as follows: No change in the range of items is
(2) Item number.
Indicates the callout
If additional items are considered
number to reference the item in the illustration.
necessary, recommendations should be forwarded to
Commanding General, U. S. Army Aviation Systems
C-4. How to Locate Repair Parts.
Command, P. O. Box 209, St. Louis, Missouri 63166,
a. When Federal Stock Number or Reference
for exception or revision to the allowance list. Revisions
Number is Unknown:
to the range of items authorized will be made by
(1) First.
USAAVSCOM based upon engineering experience,
illustration of the assembly or subassembly to which the
demand data, or TAMMS information.
repair part belongs.
g. Thirty-day DS Maintenance Allowance.
(2) Second. Identify the repair part on the
(1) The allowance column is divided into
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
three subcolumns.
Indicated in each subcolumn,
number of the repair part.
opposite the first appearance of each item, is the total
(3) Third. Using the repair parts listing, find
quantity of items authorized for the number of
the figure and item number listed in the illustration
equipments supported. Subsequent appearances of the
same item will have the letters "REF" in this column.
b. When Federal Stock Number or Reference
Items authorized for use as required but not for initial
Number is Known:
stockage are identified with an asterisk * in the
(1) First. Using the index of Federal stock
allowance column.
numbers and reference numbers, find the pertinent
(2) The quantitative allowance for DS level of
Federal stock number or reference number. This index
maintenance will represent initial stockage for a 30-day
is in ascending Federal stock number sequence,
period for the number of equipments supported.
followed by a list of reference numbers in ascending
(3) Determination of the total quantity of parts
alpha-numerical sequence, cross-referenced to the
required for maintenance of more than 100 TM 55-
illustration figure and item number.
1730-208-13 of these equipments can be accomplished
(2) Second. Using the repair parts listing,
by converting the equipment quantity to a decimal factor
find the figure and item number listed in the illustration
by placing a decimal point before the next to last digit of
column referenced in the index of Federal stock
numbers and reference numbers.
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