![]() TM 55-1730-219-20P
tion. This measure is expressed by a two-charac-
to be repaired and identifies the lowest mainte-
ter alphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in, pr, etc.).
nance level with the capability to perform com-
When the unit of measure differs from the unit of
plete repair (i.e., all authorized maintenance func-
issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the
tions). This position will contain the following
required units of measure will be requisitioned.
maintenance code:
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates
the quantity of the item required for one assembly
only, including instances when similar assemblies
are broken down together. A "V' appearing in this
column in lieu of a quantity indicates that no spe-
cific quantity is applicable, (e.g., shims, spacers,
(3) Recoverability Code. Recoverability
codes are assigned to support items to indicate
4. Special Information.
the disposition action on unserviceable items. The
recoverability code is entered in the fifth position
The following publication pertain to the 5 ton
of the Uniform SMR Code format as follows:
hydraulic aircraft hand jack.
Publication and Short Title
Nonreparable item. When un-
serviceable, condemn and dispose
at the level indicated in position 3.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
c. /Vational Stock Number. Indicates the Na-
a. When National Stock Number or Part
tional stock number assigned to the item and will
Number is Unknown:
be used for requisitioning purposes.
(1) First. Find the illustration covering
d. Part Number. Indicates the primary num-
the assembly group to which the repair part be-
ber used by the manufacturer (individual, com-
pany, firm, corporation, or Government activity),
(2) Second. Identify the repair part on
which controls the design and characteristics of
the illustration and note the illustration figure and
the item by means of its engineering drawings,
item number of the repair part.
specifications, standards, and inspection require-
ments, to identify an item or range of items.
(3) Third. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
find the figure and item number noted on the il-
When a stock numbered item is requisi-
b. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Known:
tioned, the repair part received may
Number is Known:
have a different part number than the
part being replaced.
(1) First. Using the Index of National
e. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer
Stock Numbers and Part Numbers, find the perti-
nent National Stock Number or part number. This
( F S C M ) . The FSCM is a 5-digit numeric code
index is in ascending National Item Identification
listed in SB 708-42 which is used to identify the
Number (NIIN) sequence followed by a list of part
manufacturer, distributor, or Government agency,
n u m b e r s in ascending alphameric sequence,
cross-referenced to the illustration figure number
f. Description. Indicates the Federal item
and item number.
name and any additional description required to
(2) Second. After finding the figure and
identify the item.
item number, locate the figure and item number in
g. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the stan-
the repair parts list.
dard of the basic quantity of the listed item as
6. Abbreviations. (Not Applicable).
used in performing the actual maintenance func-
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