![]() TM 55-4920-335-24P
f. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance
The allowance column is divided into four
subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn
opposite the first appearance of each item
is the total quantity of items authorized for
the number of equipments supported.
Subsequent appearances of the same item
will have the letters " R E F " i n t h e
allowance columns. Items authorized for
use as required, but not for initial stockage
are identified with an asterisk (*) in the
allowance column.
The quantitative allowances for organi-
zational level of maintenance represents
one initial prescribed load for a 15-day
period for the number of equipments
supported. Units and organizations
a u t h o r i z e d additional prescribed loads,
will multiply the n umber of prescribed
loads authorized by the quantity of repair
p arts reflected in the density column
applicable to the number of items sup-
p o r t e d to obtain the total quantity of
repair parts authorized.
tenance for more than 100 of these
equipments, s h a l l determine the total
quantity o f r e p a i r p a r t s r e q u i r e d b y
b. Federal Stock Number. Indicates the federal
converting the equipment quantity to a
stock number assigned to the item and will be used
decimal factor by the parts quantity
for requisitioning purposes. Items source coded A,
a u t h o r i z e d in the 5 1 - 1 0 0 a l l o w a n c e
M, X1, or X2 are not assigned a federal stock
c o l u m n . Example: authorized allowance
for 51-100 equipments is 12; for 140
c. Description. Indicates the federal item name
equipments multiply 12 by 1.40 or 16.80
a n d any description of the item required. The
rounded off to 17 parts required.
d e s c r i p t i o n column contains the following sub-
Subsequent changes to allowances will be
limited as follows. No change in the range
(1) R e f e r e n c e N u m b e r a n d M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s
of items is authorized. If additional items
Code. Indicates a part number on other
reference number for the listed item
mendations should be forwarded to the
followed by by the a p p l i c a b l e five-digit
C o m m a n d i n g G e n e r a l U . S . A r m y-
federal supply code for manufacturers.
Aviation Systems Command (USAAV-
(2) Usable on Code. Not applicable.
SCOM) P.O. Box 209, St. Louis MO
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A two-character
63166, for exception or revision to the
alphabetical abbreviation indicating the amount or
allowance list. Revisions to the range of
quantity of the item upon which the allowances are
items authorized
based e.g.. E A , F T . P R .
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column
e x p e r i e n c e , demand data or The Army
indicates quantities required for one assembly only,
including instances when similar assemblies are
b r o k e n down together. A "V" appearing in this
g. Thirty-Day D S / G S M a i n t e n a n c e
column in lieu of a quantity indicates that a definite
quantity cannot be indicated (e.g., shims. spacers)
(1) The allowance column is divided into
When parts are shown as attaching two or more
three s u b c o l u m n s . I n d i c a t e d i n e a c h
i t e m s , the quantities of these parts are those
subcolumn, opposite the first appearance
necessary to attach only one of the items.
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