![]() SECTION I (Con/t.)
For the purpose of explanation the front of the
unit Is considered the towbar end and the right
and left are referenced to an operator stand-
ing at the rear of the unit and facing towards
the towbar end.
1-4.5. The rear compartment (Fig.3) of the test stand contains the
service hoses and related hose accessories.
This compartment is
accessible through the rear end access doors (8-Fig.2). The rear
bulkhead (2-Fig.3), accessible through the rear access doors, con-
tains handhole openings designed to facilitate maintenance of the
test stand.
The fluid volume control (3-Fig.3) for pump volume ad-
justment is mounted on the rear bulkhead. The control panel access
door (1-Fig.2) gives access to the Minor Control Panel (11-Fig.6)
which houses the fluid high pressure gage, low pressure gage, fluid
temperature gage, ammeter, engine fuel gage, engine oil gage, engine
tachometer and hourmeter, high pressure filter warning light, low
pressure filter warning light, fuel tank level indicator and oil
This panel is shock mounted on to the Major Control Panel, (1-
pressure gage test fitting, gage snubber valve, reservoir shut off
valve, compensator control compensator control shut-off valve, low
pressure filter selector valve, fluid bypass valve, high pressure
relief valves, inch flow control valves 3/4 inch flow control valve,
and outlet selector valve. (12 thru24- Fig.8).
Attached to the Major Control Panel, the Engine Start Panel
houses the choke control, starter switch, ignition switch and the
fuse and fuse holder. (1 thru 4-Fig.9).
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