![]() SECTION I (Con't.)
95 to 100%
Humidity ---------------------------
Deflection ------------------------- 8 degrees in any plane
from horizontal.
(B) Engine
Manufacture -------------------------- Wisconsin Motor Corp.
Model ---------------------------------- MVG4D size 3-7/16 x 4, Spec.
No. 280658 Net Cont. BHP 22.6
RPM 1800
Cycle --------------------------------- 4 stroke
Cylinders ----------------------------- 4
cooling ----------------------------- Air
Cylinder bore --------------------------- 3 inch
Stroke ----------------------------- 4 inches
Piston displacement ---------------------- 148.5 cubio inch
Horsepower ---------------------------- 36 at 2200 rpm
Firing order ---------------------------------------- 1-3-4-2
(C) Hydraulic pump
Manufacturer -------------------------- Featherhead Co.
Model --------------------------------- 408-01180-01
Type ------------------------------ Axial piston, variable volume
Pressure, output ------------------------- 0-5000 psi
Volume output --------------------------- 0-10 GPM
(D) C a p a c i t i e s
Engine crankcae ------------------------- 5 quart
Engine fuel tank ------------------------- 18 gallons
Hydraulic reservoir ---------------------- 25 gallons
(A) The teat stand is a self contained mobile testing unit,
capable of delivering a continuous flow of hydraulic fluid at the
rate of 0 to 10 gallons per minute, at pressures from 400 to 5000 PSI.
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