![]() SECTION III (Con't.)
collecting on the frame are other ocmmon sources which in some way
must be suppressed.
General Methods Used to Attain Proper Suppression. Essentially,
suppression is attained by providing a low-resistance path to ground
for the stray currents.
The method used to attain suppression in-
elude shielding the ignition and high-frequency wires, grounding the
frame with bonding straps, and using capacitors and resistors where
Interference Suppression Components.
(A) A 0.5 MF (Micro Farad) capacitor is mounted on battery
terminal of regulator.
(B) A 0.5 MF (Micro Farad) capacitor is mounted on generator
terminal of generator.
(C) A wave trap is mounted on field terminal of generator.
(D) Regulator and rear half of generator are encased in
metal housing.
(E) Generator is grounded directly to chasis by means of a
ground strap attached from generator ground screw to
ground bolt.
(F) Test stand is grounded directly to positive ground by
means of ground bolt located on chasis just forward of
hose connectors.
Radio Interference Suppression Components. Test the
capacitors for leaks and shorts on a capacitor tester.
a defective capacitor.
If test equipment is not available and
interference is indicated, isolate the cause of interference by
trial and error method or replace each capacitor in turn until the
cause of interference is determined and eliminated.
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