![]() TM 55-4920-373-14&P
4. Fill the oil cup the level mark with clean
oil of the proper grade. Refer to the lubrication
3-39. The following components are authorized
body and tighten the thumbscrew to secure.
for removal and replacement of the organizational
5. Install the air intake cap on the top of the
air cleaner assembly.
3-40. BATTERY. (See figure 3-4) Remove and
replace the battery as follows:
3-42. TIRE. (See figure 3-6.) To remove the
tire from the test stand proceed as follows:
1. Remove nut (1) and washer (2) from hook
bolt (3) holding battery cover (4) over battery.
1. Relieve weight on tire by hoisting corner
of test stand with jack or appropriate instrument.
2. Remove battery terminal adapters (5 and 6)
positive side first, from battery terminal, by
2. Remove five lug nuts (1) and washers (2).
loosening nut on adapter.
3. Remove tire (3) with tube and rim assem-
3. Remove the remaining battery terminal
bly from test stand.
adapter (ground) from battery terminal by loosen-
ing nut on adapter.
4. Remove defective battery and replace with
Before proceeding ensure that tire tube
a good battery.
is completely deflated by removing
valve cap (6) and valve stem (7).
5. Clean new battery terminals and both bat-
tery terminal adapters with a stiff wire brush.
4. Remove five nuts (8) washers (9) and
6. Install both battery terminal adapters onto
bolts (l0).
battery terminals.
5. With a tire iron or other prying tool,
7. Tighten each nut on battery terminals until
separate two wheel halves (5 and 11). Remove
they are secured in place and will not move.
tire and deflated tube.
8. Replace battery cover over battery, by
6. To replace tire and tube, place deflated
inserting ends of hook bolts through holes in cover.
tube within tire.
9. Secure battery cover with washer and nut to
7. Insert rim halves. It may be necessary to
each hook bolt.
lubricate rim surfaces in order to slide tire on.
8. Using nuts, bolts and washers, fasten rim
3-41. AIR CLEANER. (See figure 3-5.) Dis-
halves together.
assemble the air cleaner and service as follows:
9. Replace assembled tire and rim over axle
1. Remove the air intake cap (4).
spindle and mount with lug nuts and washers.
10. Before replacing valve stem and cap,
2. Loosen the thumbscrew (5) and remove the
inflate tube to remove internal wrinkles and
oil cup (6) from the air cleaner assembly.
c r e a s e s . Allow air to escape.
3. Discard the oil in the oil cup. Wash the oil
11. Replace valve stem and cap and inflate
cup and air intake in an approved cleaning solvent
tube to 60 psi.
(item 1, table 1-7) and dry thoroughly.
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