![]() TB 55-1500-334-25
2-3. Availability of MIL-H-83282.
MIL-H-83282 may be obtained through normal
supply channels using the following information:
Qt Can
Gal Can
55-Gal Drum
(2) CH-47A/B/C. Hydraulic flight control
Because of its recent development, MIL-H-83282 has just
systems No. 1 and No. 2, and the utility hydraulic system
recently been distributed in the Army Supply System.
will be drained, and flushed one time, then filled with MIL-
Initial stock supplies of MIL-H83282 are expected by the
H-83282 in accordance with existing instructions in the
4th Quarter of FY 75, and total conversion from MIL-H-
Organizational Maintenance Manuals. Before flushing
5606 to MIL-H83282 will take approximately 1-1/2 years.
insure ground test stand has been serviced with MIL-H-
Conversion of aircraft from MIL-H-5606 to MIL-H83282
83282. The closed and/or dead end components (e.g.,
should be based on availability of MIL-H83282 for
lag dampeners and shock struts) will not be reserviced
conversion and follow on support.
with MIL-H-83282: these items will retain MIL-H-5606
hydraulic fluid
(3) AH-1G/Q/S, Series/UH-1C/M. Convert
MIL-H-83282 must be of the latest
the hydraulic systems on these aircraft in accordance with
revision which is dyed red. If the stock
the instructions in Appendix B. The pylon dampers on the
of MIL-H-83282 received is not dyed,
AH-1G and the stabilizer bar dampers on the UH-1C/M
return it; the red dye is needed to locate
will re main serviced with MIIH-5606.
{4) UH-1B/D/H. Convert the hydraulic
system on these aircraft in accordance with the
instructions in Appendix C. The stabilizer bar dampers on
Since distribution of initial quantities of
the UH-1B/D/H will remain serviced with MIL-H-5606.
MIL-H-83282 will be limited to the
activities listed in para 5-1, servicing of
converted aircraft with MIL-H-83282
Armament sub-systems utilized on the
during cross country flight at stopover
UH-1 and AH-1 aircraft may contain
points may be impossible. To avoid
residual amounts of MIL-H-5606. When
mixing of MIL-H-5606 and MIL-H-83282,
the hydraulic systems of these aircraft
it is advisable to include a small supply
are converted to MIL-H-83282, it is
of MIL-H-83282 on board the aircraft for
important to remove all residual
servicing during cross country flights.
amounts of MIL-H-5606 remaining in
these subsystems.
2-4. Conversion Procedures.
(5) OV-I. Convert the hydraulic system
a. Perform conversion procedures at Direct
on these aircraft in accordance with the Instructions in
Support or higher levels of maintenance unless otherwise
Appendix G. The propeller control system and the
directed by reference to a specific level of maintenance
pneudraulic struts will retain MIL-H-5606.
(6) CH-54A/B. Conversion of hydraulic
b. The following procedures refer to a specific
systems on CH-54A/B will be In accordance with Special
number of flushings prior to final servicing with MIL-H-
Service Instructions No. 168, Procedures for Converting
83282. Numbers may be more or less depending upon
Hydraulic Systems from MIL-H-5606 to MIL-H-83282, Fire
the test in Section III. All flushings will be accomplished
Resistant Hydraulic Fluid for CH-54A/B Helicopters.
with MIL-H-83282 hydraulic fluid.
(1) OH-58A. Convert hydraulic flight control
system in accordance with procedures in Appendix A.
Change 4
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