![]() TB 55-1500-334-25
lacquer (MIL-L19538, Shade No. 37038) to indicate
(7) Servicing Equipment. Convert the JD5
"Service with MIL-H-83282 above xx and MIL-H-5606
series hand D6 hydraulic test stands in accordance with
below xx ." Use information in para 4-1 for specific
instructions contained in Appendix D. Convert the MSU
test stand in accordance with the instructions contained in
Appendix E. Convert the AF5 hydraulic dispenser in
accordance with the instructions contained in Appendix F.
2-8. Recording and Reporting.
Record and report accomplishment of this TB in
accordance with the procedures prescribed in DA PAM
738-751. The following forms are applicable.
Determine adequacy of the conversion
by hydraulic fluid samples tested in
(1) DA Form 2408-13, Aircraft Inspection
accordance with Section III, para 3, of
and Maintenance Record.
this TB.
(2) DA Form 2408-15, Historical Record for
2-5. Servicing Components.
All components that require servicing with MtLH-
6083 for storage and shipment will follow the procedures
(3) DA Form 2407, Maintenance Request
prescribed in the maintenance manuals.
components filled with MIL-H-6083 are received for
installation on an aircraft containing MIL-H-5606, standard
procedures for draining and servicing apply. When the
Precautionary measures shall be taken
aircraft has been converted to MIL-H-83282, the
to prevent hydraulic fluid waste from
component must be drained, flushed and serviced with
contaminating lakes and streams.
MIL-H-83282 for installation.
Before installing a
component that contains MIL-H-5606 personnel should
Disposal of fluid shall be accomplished
determine what fluid the aircraft has. If the. aircraft has
under the direction of the installation
been converted to MIL-H-83282, the component must be
facility engineer and MEDDAC Health
drained, flushed and serviced with MIL-H83282 before
and Environment Activity in accordance
with applicable directives, and in a
manner that will not result in violation
2-6. Servicing Equipment.
of local, state and federal pollution
a. Following conversion of hydraulic servicing
criteria. Guidelines for disposal are
cited in AR 700-1 and TM 5-814-6.
maintenance records to reflect the change of hydraulic
fluid. Boldly mark the equipment to alert field personnel
AMCR 11-5 also contains technical
that the equipment has been converted from MIL-H-5606
assistance regarding the use of waste
to MIL-H-83282. Stencil in lettering one inch high on the
oils in heating plants.
access panel to the fill point for the hydraulic fluid
personnel should consult AMCR 11-5
reservoir on test stand. Stencil dispensers on top of the
for instructions covering treatment of
tank. Use lusterless black lacquer, MIL-L-19538, shade
hydraulic fluid waste oil. Because the
No. 37038 to mark, equipment. The marking should
temperature in oil burners exceeds
include the following information: SERVICE ONLY WITH
1000F, both MtL-H-5606 and MIL-H-
MIL-H-83282 HYDRAULIC FLUID. Paint over or delete
83282 waste oil can be added to new
any existing markings on converted equipment that
fuel oil and used in heating plants.
pertain to MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid.
Disposal personnel should adhere
closely to the guidelines set forth in
Because MIL-H-83282 hydraulic fluid is
AMCR 11-5 for the use of hydraulic fluid
restricted by the temperature limitations in Section IV,
waste oil in heating plants.
operating units Should determine the number of servicing
equipment and hydraulic dispensers to remain serviced
If the facility-encounters difficulty in the
with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid. Consider temperature
disposal of waste. fluid, contact the
changes of the area and volume of aircraft.
Activity, New Cumberland Army Depot,
2-7. Marking of Aircraft.
After an aircraft has been converted from MILH-
ATTN: STSGP, New Cumberland, PA
5606 to MIL-H-83282 hydraulic fluid, annotate the aircraft
maintenance records to reflect which systems and/or
components have been converted. Stencil the fill point
for the converted hydraulic system with lusterless black
Change 7
2-3/(2-4 blank)
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