![]() TB 55-1500-334-25
b. The equipment required for testing by means
3-5. Sampling Intervals.
of the Cleveland Open Cup Method may be obtained
under NSN 6630-00-359-9787. The kit consists of the
a. Flash point testing is required after one hour of
following items:
flight time, or one hour of engine ground time for aircraft
1 refractory board
with engine driven hydraulic pumps, or one hour of
1 gas burner test flame
operation for ground support equipment, following initial
1 thermometer clamp
conversion of hydraulic system from MIL-H-5606 to vMIL-
1 platform cup
H-83282. This testing is required to determine the
1 refractory disk
adequacy of conversion procedures. Residual amounts of
1 automatic heater with built-in autotransformer
MIL-H-5606 may remain in the hydraulic system and
1 thermometer hook
lower the fire resistance of MIL-H-83282. If in an
1 cast iron plate
emergency it becomes necessary to add MILH-5606 to a
1 thermometer, 20to 760F
hydraulic system already converted to MIL-H-83282. The
c. In the event that an installation cannot obtain a
flash point should be redetermined. Redetermine flash
flash point tester or does not have qualified personnel,
point on converted hydraulic system that is suspected of
hydraulic fluid samples should be forwarded to the
containing MI L-H-5606.
facilities listed in para 3-8. As a final option these
installations can contact the facilities listed in para 3-8 for
Any conversion procedure that requires
the possibility of obtaining testing equipment and
circulation of hydraulic fluid from an aircraft that is being
personnel on a loan basis.
converted into a test stand that has been converted will
require flash point testing of the fluid in the test stand.
3-8. Location of Testing Facilities.
When shipment of fluid samples are required, place
sample bottles in the shipping sack described in para 3-
If any of the above tests result in a flash
4c, and air mail them to the nearest testing facility listed
point of less than 380 , drain the
affected hydraulic system and reservice
with MIL-H-83282.
US Army General Materials and Petroleum Activity
3-6. Method of Testing.
Petroleum Field Office West
Determine the flash point of hydraulic fluid
Sharpe Army Depot
samples by the Cleveland Open Cup Method. Directions
Lathrop, CA 95330
for the Cleveland Open Cup Method are in the standards
of the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), Designation: ASTM D92. This method is also a
US Army General Material and Petroleum Activity
standard of the Institute of Petroleum (IP), Designation: IP
Petroleum Field Office East
New Cumberland Army Depot
3-7. Testing Equipment.
New Cumberland, PA 17070
a. Due to the large number of hydraulic fluid
samples that will require flash point testing, it is
Petroleum and Field Services Department
recommended that aircraft installations acquire the flash
US Army Quartermaster School
point tester. By performing their own flash point testing,
installations can avoid the time lag created when samples
Ft. Lee, VA 23801
must be sent to outlying laboratories. Qualified personnel
are needed to effectively perform the tests; that is,
personnel familiar with handling procedures for chemical/
US Army Aviation Center
petroleum products (e.g. Military Occupational Specialty
(MOS) 92C, Petroleum Lab Specialist).
Ft. Rucker, AL 36360
260th QM Battalion
ATTN: Petroleum Mobile Lab
Ft. Stewart, GA 31313
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