TM 3-5180-210-15
1. General
g. Install. To set up for use in an operational
environment such as an emplacement, site, or vehicle.
a. The maintenance allocation chart (sec II) lists
the authorized maintenance functions assigned the
h. Replace. To replace unserviceable items with
maintenance levels to ensure complete maintenance
serviceable assemblies, subassemblies, or parts.
support of the ABC-M1 crimping outfit.
i. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable
b. This chart assigns organizational, general, and
condition. This includes, but is not limited to, inspection,
depot maintenance levels, in order to reflect the degree
cleaning, preserving, adjusting, replacing, welding,
of skills required for maintenance operations.
riveting, and strengthening.
2. Maintenance Functions
j. Overhaul. To restore an item to a completely
Maintenance functions authorized are limited to and
serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance
defined as follows:
serviceability standards using the Inspect and Repair
a. Inspect. To determine serviceability of an item
Only as Necessary (IROAN) technique.
by comparing its physical, mechanical, and electrical
k. Rebuild. To restore an item to a standard as
characteristics with established standards.
nearly as possible to the original or new condition in
b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect
appearance, performance, and life expectancy. This is
electrical or mechanical failure by use of test equipment.
accomplished through complete disassembly of the
item, inspection of all parts or components, repair or
c. Service. To clean, to preserve, to charge, and
replacement of worn or unserviceable elements (items)
d. Adjust. To rectify to the extent necessary to
specifications, and subsequent reassembly of the item.
bring into proper operating range.
l. Symbols. Single letter symbol placed in a
e. Align. To adjust specified variable elements of
maintenance function column designates the level of
an item to bring to optimum performance.
maintenance responsible for performing that particular
f. Calibrate. To determine the corrections to be
made in the readings of instruments or test equipment
3. Explanation of Format
used in precise measurement.
Consists of the
The purpose and use of the format are as follows:
comparison of two instruments, one of which is certified
a. Column (1), Group Number.
Lists group
standard of known accuracy to detect and adjust any
numbers, the purpose of which is to identify
discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument compared
components, assemblies, subassemblies and modules
with certified standard.
with the next higher assembly.