![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
2-7. Operation.
2-1. Erection.
The hydraulic jack may be assembled or changed to any
Operation of the hydraulic jack shall be in accordance
of five basic closed height configurations (see figure 2-
with the following procedures. (See figure 2-1.)
1) by the use of leg extensions and additional braces.
The hydraulic jack may be assembled or changed to a
height of 36, 54, 72, 90, or 108 inches. The following
paragraphs describe the procedures required to
Clear area beneath aircraft of
assemble the hydraulic jack into the 36-inch
equipment and personnel before
configuration or alter it to any of the remaining heights.
lowering aircraft.
Stop raising
(See figure 2-1.) Using hydraulic jack erection diagram
operation immediately if a defect
is noted that could cause danger
2-6 erect hydraulic jack to the desired height.
to personnel or damage to the
2-2. Closed Height 36-inch.
To assemble the hydraulic jack into the 36inch
a. Positioning. The ground surface under the
configuration, three leg assemblies are attached to the
hydraulic jack should be level. If ground surface is soft,
cylinder and ram assembly and a foot assembly is
a board or plank should be placed under each foot
secured to the bottom of each leg. The pump assembly
assembly. The hydraulic jack should be positioned so
is lug-mounted on the lower end of one leg and six no.
that a line drawn through any two of the foot assemblies
1 tripod braces are used.
will be parallel with the aircraft fuselage.
2-3. Closed Height 54-inch.
b. Raising. Raise the hydraulic jack as follows:
(1) Turn extension screw of cylinder and ram
To assemble or change the 36-inch hydraulic jack
assembly out until jack pad socket contacts aircraft jack
into the 54-inch configuration, one leg extension is
added between each leg and foot assembly of the 36-
inch configuration and six additional no. 2 braces are
Do not extend extension screw of
2-4. Closed Height 72-inch.
ram assembly out more than 18
To assemble or change the 36-inch hydraulic jack into
the 72-inch configuration, two leg extensions are added
(2) Position pointer of rise indicator rod on
between each leg and foot assembly of the 36-inch
zero line of rise indicator decal.
configuration and six no. 2 and six no. 3 braces are
(3) Loosen retainer screw on ram lock nut
assembly to permit ram lock nut assembly to lower by
its own weight as ram rises.
2-5. Closed Height 90-inch.
(4) Open vent assembly and close release
To assemble or change the 36-inch hydraulic jack into
assembly located on pump assembly.
the 90-inch configuration, three leg extensions are
(5) Disconnect chain to free pump handle and
added between each leg and foot assembly of the 36-
operate pump handle as required to raise aircraft.
inch configuration and six no. 2, no. 3, and no. 4
braces are added.
(6) Tighten ram lock nut assembly against
cylinder and tighten retainer screw.
2-6. Closed Height 108-inch.
(7) Place pump handle in the stowed position
and secure it with the chain.
To assemble or change the 36-inct hydraulic jack into
the 108-inch configuration, four leg extensions are
added between each leg and foot assembly of the 36-
c. Lowering. Lower the hydraulic jack as follows:
inch configuration. Six no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, and no. 5
braces and six brace links are also added.
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