![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
3-26. Clamp Assembly.
(1) Open release assembly (33, figure 32)
until free from threads in pump body (38).
lockwasher (4) from front half clamp (6). Remove clamp
(2) Remove packing nut (35) from pump
cam handle (5).
body (38) and remove release assembly 133), packing
nut (35), and preformed packing (36).
b. Separate front half clamp (6) and rear half
clamp (7) by drilling out rivet (8).
(3) Remove ball (34) from pump return
passage by tapping pump body (38) lightly.
c. Separate eyebolt (9) from rear half clamp (7) by
drilling out rivet (8).
3-28. Cylinder and Ram Assembly.
Disassembly of the cylinder and ram assembly is
3-27. Pump Assembly.
restricted to direct support level maintenance. Do not
Disassembly of the hydraulic pump assembly at
disassemble the cylinder and ram assembly at
organizational level is limited to separation of the
organizational level.
hydraulic pump and reservoir ( 12, figure 3-2) and
3-29. Foot Assemblies.
removal of the following parts.
a. Vent Assembly. Remove the air vent assembly
caster mounts (8) by removing bolts (4), lockwashers
(9, figure 3-2) as follows:
(5), and nuts (6).
(1) Remove chain assembly (8) from vent
b. Remove spring (7) and caster mount (8) from
assembly (9).
caster arm assembly (121 by removing cotter pin (11),
(2) Remove vent assembly (9) from reservoir
nut (10), and washer (9).
b. Safety Relief Valve. Remove the safety relief
The caster arm assembly, part
valve (24, figure 3-2) from pump body (38).
interchangeable with the caster
arm assembly, part number
The safety relief valve is preset at
Do not attempt to
move adjusting nut.
c. If caster arm assembly (12), part number
53C7069, is used, separate foot ( 13) from housing (14)
c. Safety Relief Valve. Remove the safety relief
by removing bolt 115), lockwashers (16), and nuts (17).
valve (25, figure 3-2) from pump body (38).
3-30. Tripod Assembly.
The safety relief valve no. 2 is
preset at assembly.
Do not
removing bolts and nuts (2 and 3). Separate legs (4)
attempt to move adjusting nut.
from upper leg extensions.
d. Intake and Discharge Valves. Remove the
b. Disassemble no. I and no. 2 braces (5 and 6)
intake and discharge valves as follows:
and tension bar (7) by removing bolts (8) and
lockwashers (9).
(1) Remove plug (26, figure 3-2) from pump
body (38).
c. Disassemble web (10) and no. 3 and no. 4
braces (11 and 12) by removing bolts (13) and nuts (14).
(2) Carefully extract discharge valve spring
(27) from pump passage. Tap pump body (38) lightly to
d. Disassemble no. 5 braces (15) and connecting
free ball (28).
links (16) by removing brace studs (17) and nuts (18).
(3) Carefully extract intake valve spring
3-31. Cleaning.
(29) from pump passage. Tap pump body (38) lightly to
Cleaning instructions for the clamp assembly,
free ball (30).
pump assembly, cylinder and ram assembly, foot
assemblies, and tripod assembly after disassembly are
e. Release
as follows:
Remove and disassemble release
3-32. Clamp Assembly.
assembly as follows:
Clean all parts of clamp assembly (figure 31 with
dry cleaning solvent (item 1, table 1-2).
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