![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
(5) Install packing nut (35) in pump body (38).
(2) Install vent
in reservoir
(6) Close release assembly (33).
f. Hydraulic Pump. Install the hydraulic pump to
(3) Install chain assembly (8) on vent
assembly (9).
the reservoir (12, figure 3-2) as follows:
b. Safety Relief Valve. Install the safety relief
(1) Position gasket (11) on mounting base of
reservoir (12).
valve (24, figure 3-2) as follows:
(2) Place mounting flange of pump body (38)
(1) Apply white lead (item 5, table 1-2) to
on mounting base of reservoir (12), align mounting
threads of safety relief valve (24).
holes, and install lockwashers (15) and screws (13 and
(2) Install safety relief valve (24) in pump
body (38).
(3) Install pump handle (1) in pump handle
c. Safety Relief Valve. Install the safety relief
socket (5) and connect chain assembly (8).
valve (25, figure 3-2) as follows:
(1) Apply white lead (item 5, table 1-2) on
threads of safety relief valve (25).
3-51. Cylinder and Ram Assembly.
(2) Install safety relief valve (25) in pump
Reassembly of the cylinder and ram assembly
body (38).
d. Intake and Discharge Valves. Reassemble
Maintenance required at organizational level consists of
and install the intake and discharge valves (items 26
installation of the cylinder and ram assembly on the
through 31) as follows:
tripod assembly. Refer to paragraph
(1) Insert ball (30, figure 3-2) into pump
installation procedures.
passage. Position a suitable brass rod, with cupped
end, over ball and tap lightly to seat ball.
3-52. Foot Assemblies.
(2) Carefully install valve spring (29) in pump
passage. Insure intake valve spring is straight and
The caster arm assembly, part
centered in pump passage.
(3) Insert ball (28) into pump passage.
interchangeable with the caster
Position a suitable brass rod, with cupped end, over ball
arm assembly, part number
and tap lightly to seat ball.
(4) Install discharge valve spring (27). with
small end pressing against center of ball (28). Insure
number 53C7069, is used, position housing (14) on foot
discharge valve spring is straight and centered in pump
(13) and install bolts (15), lockwashers (16), and nuts
(5) Install plug (26) in pump body (38).
b. Lubricate spring (7) and spring housing of caster
(6) Adjust discharge valve in accordance with
mount (8) with lubricating oil (item 2, table 1-2).
c. Assemble spring (7) and caster mount (8) in
e. Release
housing of caster arm assembly (12) and install washer
Components. Assemble and install the release
(9), nut (10), and cotter pin (11).
assembly and associated components (items 33 through
d. Lubricate axle of caster (3) with lubricating oil
36) as follows:
(item 2, table 1-2). Position caster on caster mount (8)
(1) Insert ball (34) in pump return passage.
and install bolts (4), lockwashers (5), and nuts (6).
Position a suitable brass rod, with cupped end, over ball
and tap lightly to seat ball.
3-53. Tripod Assembly.
(2) Lubricate release assembly (33), packing
a. Install foot assemblies in accordance with
nut (35), and preformed packing (36) with lubricating oil
(item 2, table 1-2).
b. Install cylinder and ram assembly in accordance
(3) Assemble packing nut (35) and preformed
with paragraph 3-56.
packing (36) on release assembly (33) and insert into
c. Install pump assembly in accordance with
pump body (38).
(4) Start threads of release assembly (33)
into threads in pump body (38).
3-54. Installation.
Install the foot assemblies, cylinder and ram
assembly, pump assembly, and clamp assembly as
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