![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
3-44. Clamp Assembly.
i. Open release assembly (33) to relieve 3-16
Repair clamp assembly (figure 3-1) by replacing
hydraulic pressure. Use a suitable container to catch
defective parts.
escaping hydraulic fluid.
3-45. Hose.
j. Remove plug installed in step (7) above and
Repair of hose (39, figure 3-3) may be
install safety relief valve (24) in pump body (38).
accomplished by manufacturing a new hose and
replacement of defective hose fittings in accordance
k. Close release assembly (33) and operate pump
with repair instructions outlined in TM 55-1500-204-25/
handle. Check pressure indication of pressure gage.
Safety relief valve (24) should open between 2550 and
2925 psi. Use a suitable container to catch escaping
Repair of the hose may be
hydraulic fluid.
accomplished only if requested by
organizational maintenance and
The safety relief valve is preset at
when specifically authorized by
Do not attempt to
the direct support technical
move adjusting nut.
service officer.
l. Open release assembly (33) to relieve hydraulic
3-46. Foot Assembly.
pressure. Use a suitable container to catch escaping
Repair foot assembly (figure 3-4) by welding
hydraulic fluid.
broken or cracked welds.
3-47. Adjustment.
m. Remove cap from tee fitting and drain hydraulic
Adjust the hydraulic pump as follows
fluid from pump into a suitable container.
a. Install pump body (38, figure 3-' upright in a
n. Remove
pressure gage
suitable holding fixture.
discharge port of
p body (38).
b. Connect an external source of hydraulic fluid
o. Disconnect external source of hydraulic fluid at
(item 4, table 1-21 to intake port of pump body (38).
intake port of pump body (38).
c. Using a tee fitting,. install a suitable pressure
p. Remove pump from holding fixture.
gage (5000 psi) in discharge port of pump body (38).
3-48. Reassembly.
Connect return hose between tee fitting and external
Reassembly instructions for the clamp assembly,
source of hydraulic fluid.
pump assembly, cylinder and ram assembly, foot
d. Insert pump handle (1) into pump handle socket
assembly and tripod assembly are as follows:
(5), close release assembly (33), and operate pump
3-49. Clamp Assembly.
handle to check for proper pump handle effort. Adjust
pump handle socket pivot point as required to obtain
clamp (7) and install new rivet (8).
proper pump handle effort.
b. Assemble front half clamp 6}) on rear half clamp
e. Operate pump handle (1) and check for a 2235
(7) and install new rivet (8).
psi reading on pressure gage. Adjust plug (26) at intake
and discharge valve port as required to obtain a
c. Position cam handle (5) on front half clamp (6)
discharge pressure of 2235 psi. f. Disconnect return
and install lockwasher (4), washer (3), and cam bolt (2).
hose at tee fitting and cap tee fitting opening.
3-50. Pump Assembly.
Reassembly of the hydraulic pump assembly at
g. Remove safety relief valve (24) from pump
organizational level consists of assembly and
body (38) and install a plug in pump body opening.
replacement of the vent assembly (9, figure 3-2); safety
h. Operate pump handle and check pressure
relief valves (24 and 25); intake and discharge valves
indication of pressure gage. Safety relief valve (25)
(items 26 through 31); release assembly and associated
should open between 2975 and 3350 psi. Use a suitable
components (items 33 through 36); and installing the
container to catch escaping hydraulic fluid.
hydraulic pump on the reservoir (12). To reassemble
the hydraulic pump assembly, proceed as follows:
The safety relief valve is preset at
a. Vent Assembly. Assemble and install vent
Do not attempt to
assembly as follows:
move adjusting nut.
(1) Apply white lead (item 5, table 1-2) on
threads of vent assembly (9, figure 3-2).
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