![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
h. Remove safety relief valve (25) in accordance
4-8. Inspection and Repair.
with paragraph 3-27 c.
i. Remove intake and discharge valves (items 27
Inspect the pump assembly and cylinder and ram
through 30) in accordance with paragraph 3-27 d.
assembly as follows:
j. Remove plugs (31) and screen (32) from pump
body (38).
4-9. Pump Assembly.
k. Remove release assembly and associated
components (33 through 36) in accordance with
a. Inspect all parts of pump assembly for
corrosion, cracks, and excessive wear.
l. Remove connector assembly (37) from pump
b. Replace defective parts and remove corrosion
body (38).
by polishing with crocus cloth (item 6, table 1-2).
c. Check clearance of pump piston in packing nut.
Replace pump piston and packing nut if clearance
Remove instruction and capacity
exceeds 0.011 inch.
decals (39 and 40) only if
d. Inspect pump body to insure pump passages
are not obstructed. Clean pump passages to remove
any obstructions by flushing with dry cleaning solvent
4-7. Cylinder and Ram Assembly.
(item 1, table 1-2).
e. Repair cracks in reservoir by welding.
(11), and chain (10) from cylinder (33).
f. Paint pump assembly in accordance with
b. Remove jack indicator rod (12) and rise
painting instructions outlined in TM 55-1500-204-25 / 1.
indicator tube assembly (13) by removing nut (14) from
4-10. Cylinder and Ram Assembly.
collar (22).
c. Remove jack pad socket assembly (15) from
a. Inspect all parts of cylinder and ram assembly
extension screw (17).
for corrosion, cracks, and excessive wear. Replace
d. Loosen ram bearing (24) and remove ram
defective parts and remove corrosion by polishing with
assembly (32) from cylinder (33).
crocus cloth (item 6, table 1-2).
b. Inspect for bent or twisted indicator rod (12,
The ram assembly (32) may be
removed from the cylinder by
assembly (13). indicator rod (12) may be straightened
using a rawhide mallet and wooden block. Replace
compressed air through the inlet
dented or bent rise indicator tube assembly.
port of the cylinder.
c. Inspect for bent extension screw (17) and burred
or distorted threads.
Replace defective extension
e. Remove nut (16) from extension screw (17).
f. Remove extension screw (17), plunger (18), and
d. Inspect ram bearing (24), bearing sleeve (28),
spring (19) from ram (32).
and bearing sleeve (31), for burrs, galling, and scratches
g. Remove retainer (20) from ram (32) by
in bearing surface. Repair by polishing with crocus cloth
removing screws (21). Remove collar (22).
(item 6, table 1-2).
h. Remove ram lock nut (23) from ram (32).
e. Inspect for bent ram (32) and burrs, chips, nicks,
i. Remove ram bearing (24) and key assembly
and scratches in grooved areas. Repair by honing with
(25) from ram (32).
a suitable abrasive stone and polishing with crocus cloth
j. Remove setscrew (26) and ram pin (27) from
(item 6, table 1-2). Replace bent ram.
ram (32).
f. Inspect exterior surface of cylinder (33) for
k. Remove bearing sleeve (28), preformed
gouges, nicks, and deep scratches. Repair by honing
packing (29). packing retainer (30), and bearing sleeve
with a suitable abrasive stone.
(31) from ram (32). Discard preformed packing and
g. Paint exterior surface of cylinder (33) in
packing retainer.
accordance with painting instructions outlined in TM 55-
1500-204-25/ 1.
Remove nameplate (34), assembly
decal (36), rise indicator decal
(37), and capacity decal (38) only
if damaged.
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