![]() TM 9-1425-600-34-5-2
(5) Discard all gaskets, seals and packing.
a. Disassembly.
d. Repair and Replacement.
(1) Remove leg and caster assembly (paragraph
(1) Replace gaskets, seals, and packing.
(2) Remove pump assembly (paragraph 37).
(2) Replace parts worn beyond specified limits,
(3) The threads above nuts (1, 2, and 3, figure 2)
including scratched parts which cannot be restored
are staked to prevent accidental removal. To remove
without exceeding limits.
nuts, clear the staked portion of the thread and unscrew.
(3) Restore surfaces contacting packing with
(4) Unscrew head (4) from cylinder (25).
number 600 crocus cloth, Federal Specification P-C458 or
equivalent. Do not exceed allowable limits.
(5) Lift out entire assembly of plungers and ram.
(6) Separate plungers (6), (11), and ram (17).
(7) Remove the felts, backup rings and packing
from plungers, and rams.
The quality of the original finish is shown in
(8) Remove bearings (5 and 10) from plungers if
the table of limits (figure 6). For example, 10
replacement is necessary.
indicates 10 microinches root mean square.
(9) Remove nut (16) only if replacement is
e. Reassembly.
(10) Remove retaining ring (21) and gaskets (22)
(1) Soak all preformed packings, backup rings,
and 24).
and felt in hydraulic fluid, Specification MILH-6083 before
reassembly. Apply thin film of preservative oil to all
unpainted surfaces.
b. Cleaning.
(2) Press nut (16, figure 2) into ram (17).
(3) Thread bearings (5 and 10) into plungers (6
and 11).
Due to the toxicity and flammability of the
(4) Install packing and backup rings in lower
solvents and solutions used in the
grooves of ram and plunger.
cleaning procedures, adequate ventilation
(5) Install felts in groove above packing.
shall be-provided.
Avoid prolonged
(6) Install extension screw (15) in ram.
contact with solutions and chemicals. Do
not use drycleaning solvent or flammable
(7) Telescope the ram and plungers together by
cleaners near open flame or in areas where
sliding the smaller into the larger from the bottom. Use
high temperatures prevail.
caution to avoid damaging the felt or packing.
(8) Place gasket (24) on cylinder and install
(1) Wash all parts in drycleaning solvent, Federal
reservoir (23).
Specification P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
(9) Place the assembly of ram and plungers in the
(2) Blow out passages with compressed air.
cylinder. Use caution with the packing and felt.
(10) Place gasket (22) and ring (21) over cylinder
c. Inspection.
and install head (4). Tighten head firmly against gasket
with the lugs lining up with the feet position.
(1) Check protective finish for corrosion, chipping
(11) Replace pump assembly (paragraph 37).
or other damage.
(12) Replace leg and caster assembly paragraph
(2) Inspect threads for distortion or other visible
(3) Use table of limits (figure 6) to check
dimensions at various points along each surface.
a. Fill the reservoir with 1.7 gallons of hydraulic
(4) Inspect rubbing surfaces for smoothness of
fluid, specification MIL-H-5606 or equivalent.
original quality.
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