![]() TM 55-1730-218-20P
1. Scope.
This manual lists spares and repair parts re-
Item procured and stocked for an-
quired for performance of Aviation Unit Mainte-
ticipated or known usage.
nance (AVUM) of the 12-ton hydraulic tripod jack,
Item procured and stocked for in-
PN 12-3-14. It authorizes the requisitioning and
surance purpose because essen-
issue of spares and repair parts as indicated by
t i a l i t y dictates that a minimum
the source and maintenance codes.
quantity be available in the supply
2. General.
This Repair parts and Special TooIs List is di-
I t e m procured and stocked and
vided into the following sections:
which otherwise would be coded PA
e x c e p t that it is deteriorative in
a. S e c t i o n Il. Repair Parts List. A list of
spares and repair parts authorized for use in the
performance of maintenance. Parts are listed in
A support item that is not stocked.
figure and item number sequence. Items are in-
When required, item will be pro-
dented when required to indicate the relationship
cured through normal supply
to the next higher assembly.
b. Section III. Special Tools List. (Not Appli-
Cannibalization or salvage may be used
c. Section IV. National Stock Number and
as a source of supply for any items
Part Number Index. A list, in ascending National
source coded above except air raft sup-
Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence, of all
National stock numbers appearing in the listings,
port items as restricted by AR700-42.
followed by a list, in alphameric sequence, of all
( 2 ) Maintenance Code. Maintenance
part numbers appearing in the listings. National
codes are assigned to indicate the levels of main-
stock number and part numbers are cross-refer-
tenance authorized to USE and REPAIR support
enced to each illustration figure and item number
items. The maintenance codes are entered in the
third and fourth positions of the Uniform SMR
3. Explanation of Columns.
Code format as follows:
Illustration. This column is divided as fol-
(a) The maintenance code entered
in the third position will indicate the lowest main-
tenance level authorized to remove, replace, and
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure
use the support item. The maintenance code en-
number of the illustration in which the item is
tered in the third position will indicate the follow-
ing level of maintenance:
(2) Item Number. The number used to
identify each item called out in the illustration.
Support item is removed, replaced,
b. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
used at the Aviation Unit Mainte-
Codes (SMR).
nance (AVUM) level.
(1) Source Code. Source codes are as-
signed to support items to indicate the manner of
acquiring support items for maintenance, repair,
(b) The maintenance code entered
or overhaul of end items. Source codes are en-
in the fourth position indicates whether the item is
tered in the first and second positions of the Uni-
to be repaired and identifies the lowest mainte-
form SMR Code format as follows:
nance level with the capability to perform com-
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