![]() cient to charge the battery, and acts
tween 5.9 and 6.7 volts. Turn the
to open the circuit as soon as reverse
closing voltage adjusting screw (5)
current flows from the battery to the
clockwise to increase closing volt-
age or counterclockwise to decrease
(a) Air Gap Adjustment.
closing voltage until it is set at 6.0
1. Be sure the regulator is discon-
Note. The regulator must be at operat-
nected from the battery.
ing temperature in order that proper
2. Remove the regulator cover as de-
values be obtained during testing. Oper-
scribed in b above.
ate the unit for 15 minutes at operating
speed to bring up to normal operating
a r m a t u r e (6) until contacts just
(3) Voltage Regulator Unit. The voltage
4. Measure the air gap with a feeler
regulator unit maintains a constant
gage between the armature and the
battery-charging generator voltage
c e n t e r core. The gap should be
after the voltage has been allowed by
0.020 inch. Adjust, if necessary, by
circuit valves to build up to the opera-
loosening the two armature attach-
tional setting.
i n g screws (8) and raising or
(a) Air Gap Adjustment.
lowering the armature. Tighten the
1. Be sure the regulator is discon-
screws and measure the gap after
nected from the battery.
2. Remove the cover as described in b
Note. Be sure that both contacts are
alined accurately and close simultane-
3. Press down on the armature of the
voltage regulator unit until the con-
(b) Contact Gap Adjustment.
tact points are just touching.
1. Measure the gap between the con-
4. Measure the air gap between the
tact points on the cutout relay with
armature and the center core. The
a feeler gage. The gap should be
air gap should be 0.075 inch. Ad-
0.020 inch.
just, if necessary, by loosening the
2. Adjust, if necessary, by bending the
screws (11) and raising or lower-
upper armature stop to give the
ing the contact (16). Tighten the
proper contact gap.
screws after adjustment is made.
(c) Closing Voltage.
(b) Voltage setting.
1. Disconnect the battery lead from
1. Disconnect the battery lead from
the regulator.
the regulator.
2. Mount the regulator on the unit, or
2. Mount the regulator on the unit, or
on a regulator test stand if avail-
on a regulator test stand if avail-
able, in the operating position. Con-
able, in the operating position. Con-
nect the regulator to the generator.
nect the regulator to the generator.
Connect a voltmeter lead to the
Connect a voltmeter lead to the bat-
armature terminal and ground the
tery terminal on the regulator and
other voltmeter lead on the regu-
ground the other voltmeter lead to
the regulator. Connect a fixed re-
sistor to the battery terminal of the
contacts from vibrating and burn-
regulator and ground it. Fixed re-
i n g by momentarily placing a
sistance should be 0.75 ohm and
jumper wire across the regulator
must be capable of carrying 10 am-
terminals marked GEN and BAT.
peres without any change of resist-
Do this after connecting all leads.
ance because of heat.
4. Start the engine and slowly increase
3. With the regulator cover in place,
its speed. Observe the voltmeter
bring the regulator to normal op-
readings at which the cutout re-
erating temperature. Reduce engine
lay closes. They should close be-
AGO 5742A
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