![]() for damaged gear teeth and distorted
(35) and remove the brushes (par.
threads and replace if defective.
(5) Inspect the spring for cracks and dis-
Remove the four bolts (1) and lock-
tortion. Replace a defective spring,
washers (2) that secure the drive
housing (4) to the housing assembly
(6) Inspect all other parts for distortion
(35) and remove the armature (20)
and damaged threads and replace if
with attached parts from the housing.
Remove the four screws (3) that se-
Test the starter in a manner
d. Testing.
cure the bearing plate assembly (15)
similar to that outlined in paragraph 183.
and gasket (14) to the drive housing
e. Reassembly.
and remove the drive housing from
(1) Position the field winding assembly
the shaft of the armature.
(34) in the housing assembly (35)
Remove the pillow block cap (5),
and secure with the four screws.
sleeve bearing (6), and plain seal (7)
(2) Install the insulator washer (33), flat
from the drive housing if these parts
washer (32), 2 lockwashers (31), and
are defective.
2 hex nuts (30) on the terminal stud
Bend the tabs of the 2 key washers
of the winding assembly.
(10) away from the 2 shoulder bolts
(3) Install the three thrust washers (17
(8 and 9) and remove the bolts from
and 19) and the spring tension washer
the shaft and pinion assembly (11)
(18) on the shaft of the armature
and driving head (13).
Remove the shaft and pinion assem-
(4) Apply a thin film of oil on the bearing
bly, spring (12), driving head, gasket,
surfaces of the armature shaft and
woodruff key (16), and bearing plate
slide the bearing plate assembly (15)
from the shaft of the armature.
on the shaft.
Remove the three thrust washers (17
(5) Insert the woodruff key (16) in the
and 19) and spring tension washer
armature shaft and slide the driving
(18) from the armature shaft.
head (13), spring (12), and shaft and
(8) Remove the two hex nuts (30), lock-
pinion assembly (11) on the armature
washers (31), flat washer (32), and
insulator washer (33) from the ter-
(6) Secure the spring (12), driving head
minal stud of the field winding assem-
(13) and shaft and pinion assembly
bly (34).
(11) to the armature shaft with 2
(9) Remove the four screws that secure
new key washers (10) and the 2
the winding assembly in the housing
shoulder bolts (8 and 9). Be sure the
and remove the winding if defective.
bolt (9) seats in the hole provided in
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
the armature shaft.
(1) Clean all parts of the starter in the
(7) Press the plain seal (7), sleeve bear-
same manner as described in para-
ing (6), and pillow block cap (5) into
graph 183.
the drive housing (4).
(2) Inspect the armature, field winding
(8) Secure a new gasket (14) and the
assembly and housing as outlined in
bearing plate assembly (15) to the
drive housing with the four screws
(3) Inspect the sleeve bearing and the
bearing plate assembly for nicks,
(9) Insert the armature with attached
burs, and distortion. Inspect the fit of
parts in the housing assembly (35)
the bearings on the armature shaft.
and secure the drive housing in place
Replace excessively worn bearings.
with the four lockwashers (2) and
(4) Inspect the shaft and pinion assembly
bolts (1) .
AGO 5742A
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