Operator and organizational maintenance instructions.
No special tools or
equipment are required to perform organizational maintenance of this
aircraft hydraulic test stand.
General. This section contains lubrication instructions which
are supplemental to and are not specifically covered in the lubricat-
ion chart l
Detailed Lubrication Information.
Care of Lubricants. Replace covers on lubricant containers
after use and store in a clean, dry place.
Keep all contain
era, used in handling lubricating oil or gasoline, clean
and ready for use.
Cleaning. Use an approved cleaning solvent to wipe all
surfaces clean surrounding the point of application before
applying the lubricant.
Points of Application. Follow the detailed lubrication
instructions given in the applicable maintenance paragraphs
and refer to the lubrication chart for type of lubricant
and interval of application.
Operation After Lubrication. Operate the test stand for
5 minutes immediately after lubrication. Inspect the oil
filter for leaks and correct as necessary. Stop the unit,
wait 5 minutes, and check the oil level.
Add oil to bring
the oil level up to the FULL mark if necessary.
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