![]() TM 55-4920-373-14&P
8. Check each ignition wire to ensure that they
Ensure that all conditions are satisfactory
are securely connected at the magneto end and
according to the instructions.
the spark plug end.
4-8. ENGINE. Perform the following steps to
9. Check engine mounting bolts to ensure that
determine the condition of the engine.
engine is firmly secured to test stand trailer
1. Examine engine shrouds to insure that they
are firmly secured.
10. Ensure that there is a sufficient amount of
fuel to run engine.
2. Inspect fan grill for obstructions such as
dirt or foreign objects.
11. Start engine (Chapter 2, Section IV).
Engine should start easily, within 2 or 3 crankshaft
3. Open inspection covers at rear end of cylin-
der head shrouds and look for signs of oil leakage
around valve covers. Replace inspection covers.
12. With engine running, check that normal
4. Check that starting motor, magneto, exhaust
operating speed (2250 RPM Idle) can be attained
with no difficulty.
manifold, oil filter, carburetor, fuel strainer,
and air cleaner are all securely fastened to their
mounting locations.
13. Observe engine exhaust. There should be
no evidence of heavy black smoke or white smoke.
5. Examine carburetor, oil filter, and fuel
Normally the exhaust should emit small amounts
of gray or light black smoke.
strainer for signs of leakage.
14. Listen for unusual noises, such as loud
6. Examine the mating of the starting motor to
the engine front plate for signs of oil leakage.
knocking or sharp metal-against-metal sounds.
7. Remove oil dipstick and check for proper
15. While engine is running recheck all gaskets
oil level.
for signs of leakage. Refer to steps (5.) and (6.).
Prior to making repairs, disconnect both leads from the battery.
2. Starter Motor. To remove the starter
motor (item 12, figure 4-2) proceed as follows:
4-10. Remove and disassemble the components
a. Disconnect cable from starter motor
listed at the direct or general support maintenance
level as required.
h. Remove two nuts and lockwashers from
4-11. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. Remove and dis-
starter support bracket (item 11, figure 4-2).
assemble the electrical system components as
c. Hold starter motor with hand to relieve
1. Ignition Wire Assembly. To remove the
weight on bolts. Remove three bolts with lock-
ignition wire assembly proceed as follows:
washers holding starter motor into engine.
a. Unscrew one nut from the top of each
d. Pull starter motor out of engine.
spark plug (item 4, figure 4-2).
e. Remove starter support bracket from
b. Unscrew one nut from each of the four
motor removing one screw and plain washer.
terminals located on the magneto (item 1,
f. Replace defective starter motor with a
known good motor.
c. Remove one screw and lockwasher
through clip holding ignition wire to engine and
3. Ammeter. To remove the ammeter (item
8, figure 2-1) proceed as follows:
remove ignition wires.
a. Remove two nuts from two studs located
d. Replace defective ignition wire(s) as
on rear of ammeter.
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