![]() TM 55-4920-373-14&P
a. Place identification marking or tag on
b. Remove from each set of studs the elec-
each section of tubing or hose to be removed.
trical wiring and mark wires in order of removal.
b. Disconnect coupling using appropriate
c. Remove three screws from meter mount-
size wrenches.
ing flange and push gage. Handle ammeter
c. Fittings are removed with an appropriate
sized wrench after removing or disconnecting
d. Replace ammeter with a known functional
hose or tubing.
and calibrated ammeter.
4. Reservoir Fluid Level Indicator. To re-
Care should be exercised during these
move the reservoir fluid level indicator (item 12,
procedures to avoid bending or denting
a. Remove three nuts from rear of reser-
2. Hydraulic Pump. To remove the hydraulic
voir level indicator studs.
pump (item 5, figure 4-3) it will be necessary to
b. Remove each set of wires from studs
first remove the hydraulic fluid reservoir. Refer
marking each set of wires and stud.
to step 3 below and proceed as follows:
c. Remove three screws from gage mounting
a. Remove tubing, hoses, and fittings from
flange and push gage from panel. Handle gage
the pump as required.
b. Note attitude of pump mounting. It is
d. Replace gage with a known good calibrat-
turned 15 to a level plane. Mark pump housing,
ed gage.
mounting bracket, and engine housing to insure
proper orientation during installation.
5. Fuel Level Gage. To remove the fuel level
gage (item 7, figure 2-1) proceed with instructions
c . Remove pressure compensator control
given for reservoir fluid level indicator paragraph
knob and insert screw with same thread size into
4-11, step 4.
compensator tubing to restrain plunger and ball
6. Electrical Wiring Cables. To remove the
electrical wiring/cables proceed as follows:
d. Remove volume control wheel and lock-
ing device.
a. For electrical leads that are not within
a laced or taped harness, disconnect the lead from
Remove necessary hydraulic tubing so
each end and mark each lead.
pump may be moved forward.
b. For electrical wires that
are laced or
f. Remove flow indicator assembly from
taped within a harness, disconnect
both ends of
the wire and cut one or both ends
free from con-
g. Remove coupling cover by removing
nection or soldered wire (refer to
step c).
snap ring on engine side of coupling and slide
c. If lead to be removed cannot be snaked
cover over engine shaft to unmesh gears.
out of harness let old wire remain in harness.
h. Remove four bolts securing pump to
bracket and list pump off chassis.
7. Starter/Ignition Switch. To remove the
starter/ignition switch (item 5, figure 2-2)
i. If pump is defective, replace with known
proceed as follows:
functioning pump.
a. For either switch remove the lugs from
3. Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir. To remove the
the switch terminals marking wire(s) and terminal
hydraulic fluid reservoir (item 1, figure 4-3)
as they are disconnected.
proceed as follows:
b. With a wrench back off the hex nut and
a. Release 8 quick disconnect fasteners (2
washer located at the rear of the panel.
on each of four sides) to release cabinet assembly
from trailer frame.
c. Remove the knurled round nut located on
the front of the control panel.
b. Lift cabinet assembly off of trailer frame.
d. Pull out the switch from the control
c. Disconnect fluid outlet line from
panel and replace with a new one.
4-12. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. To remove com-
d. Remove nuts and lockwashers from four
ponents of the hydraulic system, first drain
mounting bolts.
hydraulic fluid (Chapter 3, Section I, paragraph
e . Remove reservoir.
f. Repair or replace reservoir as
1. Tubing, Hoses, and Fittings. To remove
tubing, hoses and fittings, proceed as follows:
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