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TM 1-4920-446-13 & P
Table 3-3. Periodic Inspection Requirements
(In addition to the 50 hour inspection
requirements, perform the following tasks)
100 hour
Inspect test stand for general
appearance, paying particular
attention to cleanliness. Per-
form services listed in Table 3-1
100 hour
Inspect identification plates and
markings for legibility.
100 hour
Inspect for chipped paint and
exposed and rusty metal. Cor-
rect as necessary.
Electric Motor/
100 hour
Inspect electric motor securely
Hydraulic Pump
mounted and electrical connec-
tions tight. Inspect hydraulic
pump for secure mounting of
flexible coupling and hydraulic
connections. Tighten all loose
hydraulic connections.
Hose assemblies
100 hour
Inspect all hose assemblies for
loose connections, cracks,
breaks, and frayed or rotted
fabric covering. Tighten loose
connections. Replace hose as-
sembly, if it is otherwise defec-
Hydraulic tubing
100 hour
Inspect tubing for cracks,
breaks, and distortion. Tighten
all hydraulic connections. Re-
place damaged or defective tub-
ing or fittings.
½, ¾ , and 1
inch external hoses.
100 hour
Inspect condition of hoses, and
couplings. Ensure dust caps
installed on couplings.