TM 3-5180-210-15
Section I. GENERAL
1. Scope
b. Report
recommendations for improving this manual by the
a. This manual is published for the use of depot
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
maintenance facilities, and those general support
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
maintenance facilities authorized by the Commanding
to DA Publications) and forwarded direct to
Commanding Officer, Edgewood Arsenal, ATTN:
Supply Agency, that are ,equipped with the ABC-M1
SMUEA-TSE-TP, Edgewood Arsenal, Md. 21010.
voicemitter-outlet valve assembly hydraulic crimping
3. Allocation of Maintenance
b. This manual contains instructions for the
operation and maintenance of the ABC-M1 crimping
determine maintenance services to be performed by the
outfit, a description of the outfit, and information on
operator, organizational, general support, and depot
limited storage.
Procedures are included in the
maintenance personnel.
operating instructions for using the crimping outfit in
maintenance of the ABC-M17 field proactive mask (TM
4. Repair Parts
3-4240202-15) and the M17A1 field proactive mask (TM
Appendix D lists repair parts available for performing
maintenance on the crimping outfit.
2. Record and Report Forms
a. Refer to TM 38-750 for information on required
record and report forms.
handle (4) on the press provides the means for applying
5. General
pressure to the dies. A release lever (2) permits the
The ABC-M1 crimping outfit consists of a hydraulic
upper die to be raised or lowered manually. A hinged
press fitted with a pressure gage and a set of crimping
top oiler (11) serves as a filling point for hydraulic fluid
dies, roundnose pliers, glass pliers, a can of hydraulic
and also as a breather cap. The press is preset to
fluid, and a tube of gasket-forming compound. The
operate at approximately 1200 pounds per square inch
outfit is designed to provide adequate and equalized
(psi) pressure, which is the required pressure for
pressure on the crimping ring tabs when installing
crimping voicemitter-outlet valve assemblies and
voicemitter-outlet valve assemblies and nosecups on
nosecups to the mask faceblanks.
ABC-M17 and M17A1 masks.
b. A pressure gage (1) that registers 0 to 3000 psi
6. Hydraulic Press
is installed on the press.
The 3-1/2-inch dial is
graduated clockwise at regular intervals of 25, with 0
a. The hydraulic press is a hand-operated single-
and each interval of 500 numbered (0, 500, 1000, 1500,
column hydraulic arbor press, which is modified by the
addition of crimping dies and a pressure gage. A pump