![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
3-1. General.
e. Connect hose at cylinder and ram assembly.
This section provides detailed instructions for
f. Using sufficient manpower, place hydraulic jack
unpacking, erection, inspection, bleeding, and servicing
procedures to be performed before the hydraulic jack is
put into service. This section also provides storage,
g. Operate pump handle.
demolition, and shipment procedures.
h. If ram is slow to rise or is spongy, use a suitable
container to catch escaping hydraulic fluid and loosen
3-2. Unpacking.
hose at cylinder and ram assembly. Operate pump
Unpack the hydraulic jack in accordance with the
handle to bleed air from hydraulic system. Tighten
following procedures.
a. Remove hydraulic jack from wood crate.
i. Repeat step h as required to bleed hydraulic
b. Remove tape, barrier material, and desiccant
bags from cylinder and ram assembly and pump
3-6. Servicing.
Service the hydraulic jack as follows:
c. Check contents of shipping crate against list of
parts provided.
a. Clean hydraulic jack with dry cleaning solvent
(item 1, table 1-2) by spray or brush application. Dry
treated surfaces with dry cleaning solvent item 1, table
with filtered, compressed air or use a clean cloth.
b. Apply a thin film of lubricating oil (item 2, table
1-2) on ram assembly and roller of pump assembly.
3-3. Erection.
c. Lubricate casters with lubricating oil (item 2,
To assemble or change height configuration of the
table 1-2).
hydraulic jack, refer to paragraph 2-1 and figure 2-1.
d. Spot paint hydraulic jack with enamel (item 3,
3-4. Inspection.
table 1-2) as required.
Inspect the hydraulic jack in accordance with the
e. Flush and service pump assembly as follows:
following procedures.
(1) Remove filler plug and fill with hydraulic
a. Inspect hydraulic jack for condition of paint,
fluid (item 4, table 1-2).
corrosion, and bent braces and tension bar.
(2) Disconnect hose from pump assembly
and drain hydraulic fluid into a suitable container.
and security.
(3) Reconnect hose to pump assembly.
(4) Fill reservoir with hydraulic fluid (item 4,
3-5. Bleeding.
table 1-2) to a level of I inch below filler plug. Install
Bleed the hydraulic jack in accordance with the
filler plug.
following procedures.
3-7. Limited Storage Procedures.
a. Using sufficient manpower, lower hydraulic jack
Place the hydraulic jack in limited storage in
on its side with hose from pump assembly up.
accordance with the following procedures:
b. Disconnect hose at cylinder and ram assembly.
c. Add hydraulic fluid (item 4, table 2-1) through
a. Inspection. When preparing the hydraulic jack
inlet port of cylinder and ram assembly until the cylinder
for limited storage, inspect all parts for serviceable
is full and all entrapped air has escaped.
condition. Correct any deficiencies prior to placing
equipment in storage.
d. Elevate hose and slowly operate pump handle
until hydraulic fluid completely fills hose.
b. Preservation. The hydraulic jack shall be
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