![]() TM 55-1730-208-13
placed in limited storage, assembled in the 108-inch
(1) Secure four desiccant bags (item 9, 3-2
closed height configuration, and given limited
table 1-2) to cylinder and ram assembly, wrap with
preservation in accordance with paragraph 3-8 b.
barrier material (item 10, table 1-2), and seal with tape
(item 11, table 1-2).
c. Storage. Store the hydraulic jack as follows:
(2) Secure four desiccant bags (item 9, table
(1) Attach a tag to hydraulic jack containing
1-2) to pump assembly, wrap with barrier material (item
description and preservation procedure.
10, table 1-2), and seal with tape (item 11, table 1-2).
(2) Protect hydraulic jack from rain and dust,
(3) Place all parts of hydraulic jack in 18x 34x
using a temporary seal or covering.
43-inch wood crate (item 12, table 1-2).
(3) Store hydraulic jack in a sheltered area.
(4) Secure all parts of hydraulic jack inside
d. In Storage Inspection. Inspect the hydraulic jack
wood crate to prevent shifting during movement. Seal
in storage in accordance with the following procedures.
wood crate.
(1) Inspect hydraulic jack for pilferage, water
3-9. Demolition.
damage, and condition of covering. Report pilferage to
When capture or abandonment of the hydraulic
proper authority.
jack to an enemy is imminent, the responsible unit
commander shall make the decision either to destroy
(2) Inspect hydraulic jack for condition of
the equipment or to render it inoperative. Based on this
paint, adequate preservative, and evidence of corrosion.
decision, orders are issued which cover the desired
e. Maintenance During Storage.
extent of destruction. Whatever method of destruction
procedures while the hydraulic jack is in storage shall be
is employed, it is essential to destroy the same vital
as follows:
parts of all the hydraulic jacks and corresponding repair
parts. When the decision has been made to destroy the
(1) Remove corrosion and spot-paint with
hydraulic jack, proceed as follows:
enamel (item 3, table 1-2) as required.
a. Demolition by Mechanical Means. Use sledge
(2) Apply preservative coating compound
hammers, crowbars, picks, axes, or any other heavy
(item 8, table 1-2) on extension screw and ram
tools which may be available to destroy the following:
assembly as required.
(1) Pump assembly
(3) Replace defective desiccant bags and
(2) Cylinder
covering as required.
3-8. Shipment.
(3) Extension screw of ram assembly
The hydraulic jack is shipped in a disassembled
(4) Ram assembly
condition in one wooden crate. When properly crated,
the hydraulic jack may be shipped by air, land, or sea
The above steps are minimum
The following procedures shall be
requirements for this method of
followed when preparing the hydraulic jack for shipment.
a. Inspection. When preparing the hydraulic jack
for shipment, inspect all parts for serviceable condition.
b. Demolition by Misuse. Drain hydraulic fluid
Correct any deficiencies prior to packaging and
from reservoir and pour dirt, salt, or other contaminants
crating for shipment.
inside reservoir. Fill with water or other liquid. Operate
pump to circulate contaminants throughout hydraulic
b. Preservation.
The hydraulic jack being
system of hydraulic jack.
prepared for shipment will be given limited preservation
as follows:
c. Demolition by Explosive Means. Place as many
of the following charges as the situation permits and
(1) Clean hydraulic jack with dry cleaning
solvent (item 1, table 1-2).
(1) Two I / 2-pound charges at bottom of
(2) Drain hydraulic fluid from pump assembly
cylinder and ram assembly.
and cylinder and ram assembly.
(2) Two I/ 2-pound charges between pump
(3) Apply a film of preservative coating
assembly and leg (or leg extension).
compound (item 8, table 1-2) on extension screw and
ram assembly.
d. Demolition by Weapons Fire. Fire on hydraulic
jack with heaviest suitable weapon available.
c. Crating.
e. Demolition by Scattering and Concealment
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