![]() shaft assembly. Remove the screw
(6) Readjust the throttle stop screw as
(24) from the swivel.
necessary to obtain proper idle speed.
(11) Disconnect the spring (27) from the
b. Removal.
bracket assembly (30). Remove the
(1) Disconnect the choke control (15, fig.
t w o screws (31) that s e c u r e t h e
24) from the carburetor (18).
bracket assembly to the body and re-
(2) Disconnect the fuel line from the car-
move the bracket and the preformed
packing (32).
(3) Disconnect the governor linkage from
(12) Remove the two sleeve bushings (19)
the throttle shaft assembly (16, fig.
if defective or worn.
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(4) Remove the hose of the air cleaner
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
assembly (par. 116).
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(5) Remove the two bolts (16, fig. 24) and
Clear all fuel passages with com-
lockwashers (17) that secure the car-
pressed air.
buretor (18) and gasket (19) to the
(2) Inspect the body for cracks, breaks,
intake and exhaust manifold (24) and
distortion, and damaged threads. In-
remove the carburetor and gasket.
spect the fuel passages making certain
c. Disassembly.
they are not obstructed. Repair dam-
(1) Remove the bolt (2, fig. 25) and gasket
aged threads. Replace a body damaged
(3) that secure the fuel sediment bowl
beyond repair.
(1) and gasket (4) to the body (34)
(3) Inspect the float and sediment bowl for
and remove the bowl and gasket.
cracks and distortion. Repair cracks
(2) Remove the headless straight pin (6)
by soldering. Replace parts damaged
and the float (5) from the body.
beyond repair.
(3) Remove the valve assembly (7) from
(4) Inspect the valve assembly for proper
the body.
closing and seating. Replace a defec-
tive valve assembly.
(4) Remove the main nozzle (8), gasket
( 9 ) , and power jet (10) from the
(5) Inspect all other parts for distortion
and damage. Replace all defective
(5) Remove the packing retainer (17) and
p r e f o r m e d packing (18) from the
e. Reassemble.
(1) Install the two sleeve bushings (19,
(6) Remove the idle adjusting needle (20)
and the spring (21) from the body.
(2) Insert the preformed packing (32) in
(7) Remove the screw (14) and spring
the body. Position the bracket assem-
(15) from the throttle shaft assembly
bly (30) on the body and secure with
t h e two screws (31). Attach the
(8) Remove the two screws (13) that se-
spring (27) to the bracket.
cure the throttle fly (12) to the throt-
(3) Install the choke shaft assembly (28)
tle shaft assembly (16) and remove
in the body, Position the choke fly
the throttle fly. Remove the throttle
assembly (22) on the shaft assembly
shaft assembly from the body.
and secure with the two screws (23).
(9) Remove the two screws (23) that se-
(4) Install the screw (24) in the choke
cure the choke fly (22) to the choke
swivel (25). Insert the swivel in the
shaft assembly (28) and remove the
shaft assembly and install the cotter
choke fly.
pin (26).
(10) Remove the choke shaft assembly from
(5) Insert the throttle shaft assembly (16)
the body (34). Remove the cotter pin
(26) and choke swivel (25) from the
in the body (34). Position the throttle
AGO 5742A
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