![]() (2) Remove the four hex nuts, lockwash-
tooth of the drive gear visible through
ers, and bolts that secure the air
the lower half of the inspection hole
cleaner assembly to the flywheel
as illustrated in figure 22.
shroud and remove the air cleaner.
Position a new gasket and the ignition
magneto (21, fig. 11) in place on the
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
engine and secure with the bolt and
(1) Clean all metal parts with an approved
two hex nuts.
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
Install the timing hole plug (18) in
(2) Inspect the hose for oil soaked condi-
the hole of the gear cover (19).
tion and other visible signs of deteri-
oration. Replace a defective hose.
Connect the ground strap (16) to the
cylinder head.
(3) Inspect the air cleaner assembly for
cracks, breaks, and distortion. Inspect
Connect the four ignition cables (8)
the oil cup of the air cleaner for leaks.
to the magneto.
Replace a defective air cleaner as-
Connect the switch-to-magneto lead at
the screw (29).
c. Installation.
Install the spark plug in the number 1
(1) Position the air cleaner assembly (14,
cylinder (par. 114).
116. Air Cleaner Assembly
secure with four bolts, lockwashers,
and hex nuts.
a. Removal.
(2) Install the hose sleeve spacer and two
(1) Loosen the two hose clamps that se-
hose clamps on the carburetor (11)
cure the hose to the carburetor (11,
and air cleaner and tighten the
(14) and remove the clamps, sleeve
spacer and the hose from the air
(3) Service the air cleaner assembly as
cleaner and the carburetor.
prescribed in paragraph 52.
wheel shrewd (18) and remove the
117. General
screen from the shroud.
The air shrouding group, made up of the fly-
(6) Remove the six bolts (18, fig. 36) and
wheel shroud, heat deflectors, cylinder shrouds,
]ockwashers (19) that secure the gen-
and shroud covers, is incorporated to direct
erator drive sheave (17) to the fly-
forced cooling air from the flywheel over the
wheel (20) and remove the sheave.
cooling fin surfaces of the cylinders and cylin-
(7) Remove the headless straight pin (14)
der heads.
from the crankshaft (34).
(8) Bend the locking ears of the lockwash-
a. Removal.
ers (16) away from the hex nut (15)
(1) Remove the housing assembly (par.
and remove the nut from the crank-
106) .
(2) Remove the electrical engine starter
(9) Strike the end of the crankshaft with
a soft hammer to dislodge the flywheel
from the taper on the crankshaft.
(3) Remove the engine accessory gener-
Remove the flywheel and woodruff key
ator (par. 112).
(21) from the crankshaft.
(4) Remove the muffler (par. 121).
(10) Remove the eight bolts (9, fig. 23) and
(5) Remove the eight screws (2, fig. 23)
and lockwashers (3) that secure the
lockwashers (10) that secure the fly-
wheel shroud to the cylinder head
flywheel shroud screen (1) to the fly-
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