![]() e. Reassembly.
(7) Remove the two headless straight pins
(53) from the housing (54).
(1) Install the 2 hex nuts (28, fig. 29) and
2 control rod ball joints (31) on the
(8) Remove the tee (23), bushing (24)
control lever rod (32).
and the tachometer adapter (45) from
the housing.
(2) Press the two sleeve bearings (50)
into the housing (54).
(9) Remove the pipe plug (25) from the
(3) Install the expansion plug (47) in the
(10) Remove the plain tapered pin (52)
(4) Position the yoke (51) in the housing.
that secures the yoke (51) to the shaft
Place the preformed packing (49) on
and lever assembly (48) and remove
the shaft and lever assembly (48) and
the shaft and lever assembly pre-
insert the shaft and lever assembly in
formed packing (49), and the yoke
the alined holes of the yoke and hous-
from the housing.
ing. Secure the yoke to the shaft with
(11) Remove the expansion plug (47) from
the plain tapered pin (52).
the housing.
(5) Install the pipe plug (25), bushing
(12) Remove the two sleeve bearings (50)
(24), tee (23), and the tachometer
from the housing if damaged or worn
adapter (45) in the housing (54).
excessively. For inspection procedure
(6) Install the two headless straight pins
see d below.
(53) in the housing.
(13) Loosen the 2 hex nuts (28) that secure
(7) Install the thrust sleeve hub (38) on
the 2 control rod ball joints (31) to
the drive shaft (44) and secure with
the control lever rod (32) and remove
the plain tapered pin (42).
the ball joints and hex nuts from the
control rod.
(8) Position the 2 flyweights (40) on the
flyweight hub and install the 2 head-
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
less straight pins (39) in the alined
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
holes of the flyweights and hub. In-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
stall the 2 headed straight pins (41)
(2) Inspect the housing, flyweights, thrust
in the 2 flyweights.
sleeve, and yoke for cracks, breaks,
(9) Install the bearing (37) on the thrust
distortion and damaged threads. Re-
sleeve (38) and slide the thrust sleeve
pair cracks or breaks by welding and
on the drive shaft.
repair damaged threads. Replace all
(10) install the woodruff key (35) and the
parts damaged beyond repair.
helical gear (34) on the drive shaft.
(3) Rotate the bearings, inspecting for
(11) Install the two bearings (33 and 36)
rough rolling elements and races. Re-
on the drive shaft.
place a defective hearing.
(12) Install the drive shaft with Attached
(4) I n s p e c t the oil line assembly for
parts in the housing.
cracks, breaks, and damaged threads.
f. Installation.
Inspect the adapter, tee, and bushing
(1) Position a new gasket (46, fig. 29) and
for damaged threads.
the governor on the gear cover spacer
(5) Inspect the drive shaft and gear for
and secure with the four lockwashers
distortion and excessive wear.
and bolts.
(6) Inspect the shaft and lever assembly
(2) Connect the spring (27) in the shaft
and lever assembly (48).
and the two sleeve bearings for dis-
tortion and excessive wear. Replace
(3) Install the two control rod ball joints
all damaged or defective parts.
(31) with attached control lever rod
(32) on the governor and carburetor.
(7) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
(4) Connect the tachometer drive to the
tortion and damaged threads. Replace
tachometer adapter (45).
any defective part.
AGO 5742A
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