![]() (6) Adjust the governor as outlined in a
(5) Connect the oil line assembly (22) to
the tee (23).
from the right hand cylinder head
136. General
All controls and instruments necessary for
(b) Disconnect the sensing element of
operation of the engine are located on the con-
the head temperature gage (28, fig.
trol panel. Controls and instruments must be
replaced when they become inoperative or show
(c) Remove the four nuts and screws
signs of incorrect readings during normal op-
that secure the head temperature
eration. Damage can be caused by overloading,
gage to the panel and remove the
breakage, or wear. Before replacing any con-
temperature gage.
trol or instrument, inspect all interconnections
(d) Position a new head temperature
of tubing or electrical leads between the control
gage (28) on the panel and secure
or instrument and the component from which
with the four screws and nuts.
it operates, Always handle instruments with
(e) Attach the sensing element of the
care, since they are sensitive. Any mishandling
may damage them.
head temperature gage to the cylin-
der head.
(f) Install the cylinder head shroud
a. Tachometer.
(1) Testing. Inspect the accuracy of the
c. Hourmeter.
tachometer by comparison with the
(1) Removal.
reading indicated on a suitable hand
(a) Tag and disconnect the electrical
held mechanical tachometer. Replace
leads from the back of the hour-
a defective or inaccurate tachometer
meter (10, fig. 9).
as outlined below.
(2) Tachometer Replacement.
bracket that secure the hourmeter
to the panel and remove the hour-
from the tachometer (9, fig. 9).
(b) Remove the four nuts and screws
(2) Installation.
that secure the tachometer to the
(a) Position the hourmeter (10) on the
panel and remove the tachometer.
panel and secure with the bracket,
(c) Position a new tachometer (9) on
lockwasher, and nuts.
t h e panel and secure with four
(b) Connect the electrical leads to the
screws and nuts.
terminals of the hourmeter.
(d) Connect the tachometer drive to the
a similar manner as described in c above.
b. Head Temperature Gage.
e. Oil Pressure Gage.
(1) Testing. Inspect the accuracy of the
(1) Removal.
head temperature gage by comparison
(a) Disconnect the oil line tubing from
with the reading on a suitable thermo-
the oil pressure gage (11, fig. 9).
couple test instrument connected to
the same terminals as the temperature
bracket that secure the oil pressure
gage. Replace a defective or inaccur-
ate head temperature gage as outlined
gage to the panel and remove the
(2) Head Temperature Gage Replacement.
(2) lnstallation.
(a) Remove the cylinder head shroud
(a) Position the oil pressure gage (11)
AGO 5742A
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