![]() (10) Install the housing assembly (par.
shrouds (6 and 7), lower cylinder
shrouds (15), and the cylinder heat
deflectors (16 and 17).
(11) Remove the six bolts and lockwashers
a. Removal.
that secure the flywheel shroud to the
(1) Remove the ignition cables and spark
gear cover and remove the flywheel
plugs (par. 114).
(2) Remove the five screws (8, fig. 23) and
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
lockwashers (10) that secure the cyl-
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
i n d e r head shroud (7) to the rear
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
s h r o u d cover (12), lower cylinder
(2) Inspect the flywheel shroud and the
shroud (15), and the flywheel shroud
screen for cracks, breaks, distortion,
(18) and remove the cylinder head
and damaged threads. Straighten a
bent or distorted shroud and screen
(3) Remove the two bolts (13), lockwash-
and repair cracks and breaks by weld-
ers (14), screw (8), and lockwasher
ing. Replace a shroud or screen dam-
( 1 0 ) that secure the rear shroud
aged beyond repair.
cover (12) in place and remove the
(3) Inspect the flywheel for cracks, breaks,
shroud cover.
and damaged threads. Replace a dam-
(4) Remove the two bolts (9) and lock-
aged flywheel.
washers (10) that secure the lower
c. Installation.
shroud (15) to the cylinder and re-
(1) Position the flywheel shroud (18, fig.
move the lower shroud.
23) on the gear cover and secure with
(5) Remove the manifold (par. 123).
six lockwashers and bolts.
(6) Remove the screw (8) and lockwasher
(2) Secure the flywheel shroud to the cyl-
(10) that secure the cylinder heat de-
inder heat deflectors (16 and 17),
flector (17) to the flywheel shroud
lower cylinder shrouds (15), and cyl-
(18) and remove the heat deflector.
inder head shrouds (6 and 7) with the
(7) Remove the remaining shrouds and
eight lockwashers (10), and bolts (9).
heat deflector in a similar manner.
(3) Insert the woodruff key (21, fig. 36)
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
in the crankshaft (34). Install the
(1) C l e a n all parts with an approved
flywheel (20) on the crankshaft and
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
secure with the Iockwasher (16) and
(2) Inspect the various shrouds for dents,
hex nut (15).
cracks, breaks, and damaged threads.
(4) Install the headless straight pin (14)
S t r a i g h t e n minor dents and repair
in the crankshaft.
cracks and breaks by welding. Replace
(5) Position the generator drive sheave
a shroud or heat deflector damaged be-
(17) on the flywheel and secure with
yond repair.
the six lockwashers (19) and bolts
(3) Retouch or repaint all shrouds as re-
quired to protect metal surfaces.
(6) Mount the flywheel shroud screen (1,
c. Installation.
(1) Position the heat deflector ( 17, fig. 23)
and secure with the eight lockwashers
on the flywheel shroud (18) and se-
(3) and screws (2).
cure with the lockwasher (10) and
(7) Install the muffler (par. 121).
screw (8).
(8) Install the engine accessory generator
(2) Install the manifold (par. 123).
(3) Secure the lower shroud (15) to the
(9) Install the electrical engine starter
cylinder with the two lockwashers
(10) and bolts (9).
AGO 5742A
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