![]() fly (12) on the shaft assembly and
secure with the two screws (13).
a. Removal.
(6) Install the screw (14) and spring (15)
(1) Remove the muffler (par. 121).
on the throttle shaft assembly.
(2) Remove the carburetor (par. 122).
(7) Install the preformed packing (18)
and packing retainer (17) in the body.
(3) Remove the 4 hex nuts (21, fig. 24)
and lockwashers (22) that secure the
(8) Install the spring (21) and the idle
intake and exhaust manifold (24) and
adjusting needle (20) in the body.
2 gaskets (26) to the cylinder blocks.
(9) Install a new gasket (9), main nozzle
Remove the manifold, gaskets, and 6
(8), and the power jet (10) in the
gasket inserts (25) from the cylinder
body (34).
(10) Install the valve assembly (7) in the
(4) Remove the four studs (23) from the
cylinder blocks if defective.
(11) Position the float (5) on the body and
install the headless straight pin (6).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(12) Secure a new gasket (4) and the fuel
(1) Clean all rust and corrosion from the
sediment bowl (1) to the body with a
manifold with a wire brush.
new gasket (3) and the bolt (2).
( 2 ) Inspect the manifold for cracks,
f. Installation.
d i s t o r t i o n , and damaged
threads. Replace a defective manifold.
(1) Secure a new gasket (9, fig. 24) and
the carburetor (18) to the intake and
(3) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
exhaust manifold (24) with the two
tortion and damaged threads. Replace
lockwashers (17) and bolts (16).
if defective.
(2) Install the hose of the air cleaner as-
c. Installation.
sembly (par. 116).
(1) Install the four studs (23, fig. 24) in
(3) Connect the governor linkage to the
the cylinder blocks.
throttle shaft assembly (16, fig. 25).
(2) Position the 6 gasket inserts (25), 2
(4) Connect the fuel line to the carburetor.
new gaskets (26) and the intake and
(5) Connect the choke control (15, fig. 24)
exhaust manifold (24) on the cylinder
to the carburetor (18).
blocks and secure with the 4 lockwash-
(6) Adjust the carburetor as outlined in a
ers (22) and hex nuts (21). Tighten
the nuts to 40 to 50 ft-lb torque.
AGO 5742A
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