![]() Position the shield box on the gener-
ence by trial and error method or replacing
ator and secure with the lockwasher
each capacitor in turn until the cause of inter-
(3) and screw (2).
ference is determined and eliminated.
b. Engine Generator Regulator Capacitor.
(1) Remove the four screws (24, fig. 17)
Suppression Components
that secure the cover (23) to the box
a. Engine Accessory Generator Capacitor.
assembly (28) and remove the cover.
(1) Remove the screw (2, fig. 16) and lock-
(2) Disconnect the electrical lead from the
washer (3) that secure the generator
capacitor (34).
shield box (1) to the engine accessory
(3) Remove the hex nut (35), lockwasher
generator (9),
(36), and the screw (37) that secures
the capacitor in the box and remove
(2) Carefully lift the shield box off the
generator. Disconnect the leads of the
the capacitor.
capacitor (5).
(4) Position a new capacitor (34) in the
box assembly and secure with the
(3) Remove the hex nut (6), lockwasher
screw (37), lockwasher (36), and hex
(7), and screw (8) that secure the
nut (35).
capacitor in the shield box and remove
the capacitor.
(5) Connect the electrical lead to the ca-
(4) Secure a new capacitor (5) in the
shield box with the screw (8), lock-
(6) Place the cover (23) on the box as-
washer (7), and hex nut (6),
sembly (28) and secure with the four
(5) Connect the leads of the capacitor.
screws (24 ).
(2) Open the drain valve in the reservoir
and drain the hydraulic fluid into a
a. Removal.
suitable container. Remove the pipe
(1) Loosen the seven thumbscrews (6, fig.
plug in the bottom of the filter and
1) and remove the front panel as-
manifold assembly (47, fig. 12) and
sembly (5) from the housing assembly
drain the remaining hydraulic fluid
from the system.
(2) Remove the nine hex nuts, lockwashers
(3) Disconnect the pressure selector valve-
and bolts that secure the housing as-
to-pump tubing (28) , outlet selector
sembly to the frame assembly and lift
valve-to-reservoir tubing (21), bypass
the housing assembly off the frame.
valve-to-reservoir shutoff valve tubing
(45), reservoir shutoff valve-to-mani-
b. Installation.
fold tubing (26), flow control valve-to-
(1) Mount the housing assembly (4) on
outlet tubing (17 and 19), high pres-
the frame assembly (7) and secure
sure relief valve-to-manifold tubing
with nine bolts, lockwashers, and hex
(12), and the pump-to-high pressure
filter hose assembly (8).
(2) Position the front panel assembly (5)
on the housing assembly and tighten
(4) Tag and disconnect the electrical wires
the seven thumbscrews (6) to secure.
from the reservoir level indicator (2,
(5) Disconnect the sensing element of the
a. Removal.
fluid temperature gage (4) from the
(l) Remove the housing assembly (par.
filter and manifold assembly (47, fig.
AGO 5742A
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