![]() stray currents, The method used to attain sup-
p r e s s i o n include shielding the ignition and
is mounted on the engine generator regulator
h i g h - f r e q u e n c y wires, g r o u n d i n g t h e f r a m e
(25) inside the box assembly (28).
with bonding straps, and using capacitors and
resistors where necessary.
Suppression Components
Test the capacitors for
leaks and shorts on a
a. A 0.5 pf (microfarad), 100-volt dc, capac-
capacitor tester. Replace
a defective capacitor.
itor (5, fig. 16) is mounted on the inside of the
If test equipment is not
available and interfer-
generator shield box (1).
ence is indicated, isolate
the cause of interfer-
AGO 5742A
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