![]() (9) Fill the hydraulic system (par. 9) and
(6) Remove the hex nut and handwheel
bleed air from the system (par. 70).
from the reservoir shutoff valve (12,
(10) Install the housing assembly (par.
(7) Remove the hex nut, handwheel, and
the locknut from the fluid volume con-
108. Engine
trol (29).
(8) Remove the hex nut, handwheel, and
a. Removal.
locknut from the compensator control
(1) R e m o v e the hydraulic pump (par.
(9) Disconnect the steel cable linking the
(2) Remove the engine accessory gener-
fluid flow indicator (15) to the hy-
ator (par. 112).
draulic pump.
(3) Remove the electrical engine starter
(10) Remove the eight screws (19) and flat
washers (18) that secure the panel
(1) to the reservoir and control panel
(4) Remove air cleaner (par. 116).
support and lift the panel off the sup-
(5) Remove the muffler (par. 121).
(6) Remove the fuel tank (par. 132).
b. Installation.
(7) Remove the pipe plug from the elbow
(1) Mount the control panel (1, fig. 9) on
(23, fig. 11) and drain the oil from the
the resrvoir and control panel support
and secure with the eight flat washers
(8) Disconnect the throttle control (6)
(18) and screws (19).
from the governor and the choke con-
(2) Connect the steel cable which links the
trol (5) from the carburetor (11).
fluid flow indicator (15) to the hy-
draulic pump.
(9) Disconnect the fuel line tubing (fig.
(3) Install the locknut, handwheel, and
tubing (3), and the pressure gage oil
hex nut on the compensator control
line tubing (4).
(10) Remove the 4 bolts (25) and 4 lock-
(4) Install the locknut, handwheel, and
washers (26) that secure the engine
hex nut on the fluid volume control
(24) to the frame.
(11) Use a suitable lifting device and lift
(5) Place the handwheel on the reservoir
the engine off the frame.
shutoff valve (12) and secure with the
hex nut.
b. Installation.
(6) Install the sensing element of the fluid
(1) Hoist the engine (24, fig. 18) with a
temperature gage (4) in the filter and
suitable lifting device and place it on
manifold assembly (47, fig. 12).
the frame of the test stand. Secure in
place with the 4 lockwashers (26) and
(7) Connect the electrical wires to the re-
4 bolts (25).
servoir level indicator (2, fig. 9).
(2) Connect the pressure gage oil line tub-
(8) Connect the pump-to-high pressure
ing (4), inlet oil tubing (3), outlet oil
filter hose assembly (8, fig. 12), high
line tubing (2), and the fuel line tub-
pressure relief valve-to-manifold tub-
i n g (l).
ing (12), flow control valve-to-outlet
tubing (17 and 19), reservoir shutoff
(3) Connect the throttle control (6, fig.
valve-to-manifold tubing (26), bypass
11) to the governor and the choke con-
valve-to-reservoir shutoff valve tubing
trol (5) to the carburetor (11).
(45), outlet selector valve-to-reservoir
(4) Install the fuel tank (par. 132).
tubing (21), and the pressure selector
(5) Install the muffler (par. 121).
valve-to-pump tubing (28).
AGO 5742A
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