9. Servicing New Equipment
7. Unloading and Unpacking of Equipment
a. Unloading.
a. General. Perform the before-operation
services as described in paragraph 54.
(1) Disconnect tie-down straps.
(2) Where a lifting device of suitable ca-
b. Lubrication. Lubricate the test stand in
pacity (over 3000 lb. ) is available,
accordance with the lubrication chart table I.
install lifting eyebolts in the tapped
c. Fuel System.
holes provided in the frame, connect
(1) Filling Fuel Tank. Remove the fuel
cable slings and lift the test stand
tank cap (23, fig. 8) and fill the fuel
from the carrier.
tank to capacity with the proper grade
(3) When a lifting device is not available,
fuel, specification MIL-G-3056. Use
build a ramp with suitable lumber
a clean container.
and tow the test stand off the carrier.
Warning: Always provide a metal-
b. Unpacking.
to-metal contact between the con-
tainer and fuel tank when filling the
(1) Remove pressure sensitive tape from
tank with fuel. This will prevent a
seams, doors, panels, screen, and ven-
spark from being generated as gaso-
tilation ducts.
line flows over the metal surfaces.
(2) Remove barrier material from venti-
(2) Fuel Strainer.
lation ducts and screens.
(a) Close the shutoff cock of the fuel
(3) Remove bags of desiccant from inside
strainer (1, fig. 27) by turning its
test stand housing.
handle fully clockwise.
(4) Remove pressure sensitive tape from
(b) L o o s e n the thumbnut and cup,
all sealed. openings.
swing the clamp wire and stud to
(5) Use solvent specification PPS-661
one side and remove the glass bowl,
for removal of preservatives from ex-
gasket, and filter screen from the
terior surfaces of the equipment.
bowl cover.
(c) Wash the bowl and screen in an ap-
8. Inspection of New Equipment
proved cleaning solvent and wipe
a. Perform the before-operation services de-
the bowl dry with a lint-free cloth.
scribed in paragraph 54.
(d) Install the screen, gasket, and bowl
b. Make a complete visual inspection of the
in the cover and secure with the
test stand for dents, cracks, breaks, and loose
clamp wire and the thumbnut.
or missing parts. Make sure all components are
(e) Open the shutoff cock and check the
securely mounted.
fuel strainer for leaks.
c. Inspect control panels for cracked or
d. Battery.
broken glass and damaged parts.
new test stand is shipped dry charged
d, Inspect the tires for cuts, fabric breaks,
and must be filled with electrolyte be-
and excessively worn treads.
fore use. Fill each cell to the level in-
e. Correct all deficiencies or report them to
dicator or 3/8 inch over the plates.
organizational maintenance.
AGO 5742A
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