![]() f. Air Cleaner.
(2) Remove the cartridge from inside the
filter and discard.
(1) Remove the air intake cap (10, fig.
(3) Wipe the inside of the filter with a
lint-free cloth making' sure all dirt and
Loosen the thumbscrew (15) and re-
sludge are removed.
move the oil cup (17) from the air
cleaner assembly (14).
Insert a new cartridge in the filter
body. Be sure the correct end of the
Discard the oil in the oil cup. Wash
cartridge is up.
the oil cup and air intake in an ap-
p r o v e d cleaning solvent and dry
Install a new gasket in the cover (26).
Place the cover on the oil filter (24)
and tighten the bolt (27).
Fill the oil cup to the level mark with
clean oil of the proper grade. Refer
Add one quart of oil to the engine
to the lubrication chart table 1. Install
crankcase to compensate for oil lost in
the oil cup on the air cleaner body and
servicing the oil filter. Refer to lubri-
tighten the thumbscrew (15) to se-
cation chart table 1 for the proper
grade oil.
Install the air intake cap on the top
Operate the unit immediately after
of the air cleaner assembly.
servicing (d above).
tinued. After-operation services will be per-
53. General
formed by the operator after every operating
To insure that the equipment is ready for
period. After-operation services will be per-
operation at all times, it must be inspected
formed at intervals based on the normal opera-
systematically before operation, during opera-
tions of the equipment. Reduce interval to com-
tion, and after operation, so that defects may be
pensate for abnormal conditions. Defects or
discovered and corrected before they result in
unsatisfactory operating characteristics beyond
serious damage or failure. The necessary pre-
the scope of the operator to correct must be re-
ventive maintenance services will be performed
ported at the earliest opportunity to organiza-
before operation. Defects discovered during
tional maintenance. Responsibility for perform-
operation of the unit will be noted for future
ance of preventive maintenance services rests
correction, to be made as soon as operation has
not only with the operator, but with the entire
ceased. Stop operation immediately if a defi-
chain of command from section chief to com-
ciency is noticed during operation which would
manding officer (AR 7505).
damage the equipment if operation were con-
54. Operator's Daily Services
Visual inspection. Make a general inspection of the entire unit for obvious deficiencies,
such as oil or fuel leaks, loose or missing bolts, nuts, screws, loose connections, broken
wires, and any damage that may have occurred since the equipment was last
operated. Correct or report any deficiencies to field maintenance.
Tampering. Inspect the test stand for evidence of tampering or damage. Do not operate
the unit until all defects are corrected or reported to direct and general support
Fuel. Check the fuel supply. See that the fuel tank is full.
Leaks. Inspect for leaks, paying particular attention to the fuel line and connections.
Correct all deficiencies noticed or report to direct and general support maintenance.
AGO 5742A
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