l o c k w a s h e r s (7) that secure the
armature (6) in place and remove
the armature.
regulator (par. 111).
(b) Remove the two screws (11) and
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
the lockwasher (12) that secure the
(1) Clean the outside of the regulator with
contact (16) in place and remove
a cloth dampened with an approved
the contact.
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly,
(c) Remove the remaining contact in a
similar manner.
(2) Remove the two screws (2, fig. 33)
(2) Installation.
and flat washers (3) that secure the
(a) P o s i t i o n the contact (16) insulator
cover (1) and gasket (4) in place and
bushing (15), and insulator (13)
remove the cover and gasket.
on the bus bar (14) and secure in
(3) Clean all leads, windings, insulators,
place with the lockwasher (12) and
resistors, and other parts with a clean,
the two screws (11).
dry, lint-free cloth.
(b) Install the other contact in a similar
(4) Inspect the coils, resistors, and in-
sulation for signs of burning. Replace
(c) Install the armature (6) securing
a defective regulator.
in place with the lockwashers (7)
(5) Inspect the contacts on all three units.
and screws (8).
In normal use, the contacts will be-
(d) Adjust and test the regulator as in-
come grayed. I f the contacts are
structed in d below.
burned, dirty, or rough, file them with
d. Testing and Adjustment.
a contact point dresser. File just
(1) Continuity Test. Use a multimeter to
enough so the contacts present smooth
test the series and field circuits of the
surfaces toward each other. It is not
n e c e s s a r y to remove all traces of
(a) To test the series circuits, remove
burning. After filing, draw a piece of
the cover and touch test probes to
linen tape, moistened with carbon tet-
the armature terminal (center ter-
rachloride, between the contacts. Re-
minal) and cutout relay armature
peat with dry tape. If contact points
(6). If the circuit is open, replace
are too badly burned to dress, replace
the regulator. Hold the cutout relay
contacts as described in c below.
a r m a t u r e (6) down and test the
(6) Adjust and test the regulator as in-
armature terminal to the battery
structed in e below.
t e r m i n a l (left terminal). If the
(7) Position the cover (1) and gasket (4)
circuit is open, clean and file the
on the regulator and secure in place
contact points. Test again, if the
w i t h the two screws (2) and flat
circuit is still open, replace the
washers (3).
(b) To test the field circuit, touch the
c. Contact Replacement.
test probes to the field terminal
(1) Removal.
( r i g h t terminal) and regulator
(a) Remove the two screws (8) and
AGO 5742A
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