![]() b. Demolition By Burning. Pack rags, cloth-
ing, or canvas around the engine, fuel tank,
Weapons' Fire
control panel, battery, and pump. Saturate this
packing with gasoline, oil, or diesel fuel, and
lowing charges, and detonate them simultane-
ously with detonating cord and a suitable deto-
c. Demolition By Submersion. Totally sub-
merge the test stand in a body of water to pro-
(1) One pound charge on each wheel.
vide water damage and concealment.
(2) Two pound charges on the engine.
(3) One pound charge on the battery.
(4) Two pound charges on the hydrau-
lic pump.
All operators should receive thorough train-
(5) Two pound charges on the reser-
ing in the destruction of the test stand (FM
525). Simulated destruction, using all of the
b. Demolition By Weapons' Fire. Fire on the
methods listed above, should be included in the
test stand with the heaviest suitable weapons
operator training program. It must be empha-
sized in training, that demolition operations are
usually necessitated by critical situations when
time available for carrying out destruction is
a. Demolition by Scattering and Concealment.
limited. For this reason, it is necessary that
Remove all easily accessible vital parts from
o p e r a t o r s be thoroughly familiar with all
the engine and from the pump. Scatter these
methods of destruction of equipment, and be
parts through dense foliage or throw them in a
able to carry out demolition instructions with-
lake, stream, or other body of water.
out reference to this or any other manual.
AGO 5742A
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