heading, subgroup headings, and a brief de-
1. General
scription of the part starting with the noun
This Maintenance Allocation Chart lists all
name. It also designates the operation to be
maintenance and repair operations authorized
performed such as service, adjust, inspect, test,
for the various levels of maintenance.
replace, repair, and overhaul.
b. Level of Maintenance.
2. Maintenance
(1) Operator Maintenance. Operator main-
Maintenance is any action taken to keep ma-
tenance performed by the user or oper-
teriel in a serviceable condition or to restore it
ator of the equipment, such as servic-
to serviceability when it is unserviceable. Main-
ing, cleaning, lubricating, and limited
tenance of materiel includes the following:
adjustments. It also includes removal
a. Service. To clean, to preserve, and to re-
and replacement of items to accom-
plenish fuel and lubricants.
plish servicing and lubrication.
b. Adjust. To regulate periodically to prevent
(2) Organizational Maintenance. organi-
zational maintenance is that main-
c. Inspect. To verify serviceability and to de-
tenance performed by trained person-
tect incipient mechanical failure by scrutiny.
nel provided for that purpose in the
d. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect
using organization, such as replace-
incipient mechanical failure by use of special
ment of all items in the organizational
equipment such as gages, meters, and so on.
maintenance column, limited parts
e. Replace. To substitute serviceable assem-
fabrication from bulk material, adjust-
blies, subassemblies, and parts for unservice-
ments, and repair of assemblies, com-
ponents, and end items that can be
able components.
accomplished without extensive disas-
f. Repair. To restore to a serviceable condi-
tion by replacing unserviceable parts or by any
(3) Direct Support Maintenance. Direct
other action required utilizing tools, equip-
support maintenance is that main-
ment, and skills available, to include welding,
tenance performed by specially trained
grinding, riveting, straightening, and adjust-
units in direct support of the using
organization, such as replacement of
g. Overhaul. To restore an item to a com-
all items in the organizational and di-
pletely serviceable condition by inspecting, dis-
rect support maintenance columns; re-
assembling its assemblies and subassemblies as
pair of assemblies, components, and
necessary, r e p l a c i n g parts, and performing
end items; and fabrication of parts
necessary boring, grinding or machining oper-
from bulk material.
ations, followed by reassembly and final inspec-
(4) General Support Maintenance. Gen-
eral support maintenance is that main-
3. Explanation of Columns
tenance performed by units organized
a. Components and Related Operation. This
as semifixed or permanent shops to
serve lower levels of maintenance
column contains the functional index grouping
AGO 5742A
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