b. Source Codes. Source codes are shown in
1. General
this column as assigned to items by USAAV-
This portion of the manual lists the repair
COM. The code symbols indicate the selection
parts and special tools authorized for operator,
status and source of supply for each repair part
organizational, direct support, general support,
as defined hereafter.
and depot maintenance of Test Stand, Hydrau-
(1) Code P applies to high mortality re-
lic System, Aircraft, Type D-5A, Model AHT-
pair parts which are stocked in or
5A-1, Sun Electric Corp. This is the authority
supplied from the commodity com-
to requisition for operator and organizational
mand depot system, and authorized
maintenance, and the authority to requisition
for use at indicated maintenance eche-
and issue for direct support, general support,
and depot maintenance. It serves as a guide to
(2) Code P1 applies to repair parts which
determine the quantity of items authorized for
are low mortality parts, stocked in or
initial stockage in accordance with AR 70070
supplied from commodity command
and AR 711-16. It supplements tables of equip-
depots, and authorized for installa-
ment, allowances, and other applicable authori-
tion at indicated maintenance eche-
zation documents.
2. Arrangement
Note. General use, common hardware and
bulk material listed herein are not assigned
All repair parts are listed in disassembly
source, maintenance, or recoverability codes.
order and indented when required to indicate
c. Maintenance Level Code. The code symbol
relationship to the next higher assembly.
used in the maintenance level column indicates
the lowest maintenance level authorized to in-
3. Tools
stall the repair parts. Capabilities of higher
No special tools are required.
maintenance levels are considered equal or bet-
4. Explanation of Columns
(1) Code O--Operator and Organizational
a. AMC Materiel Code. (Formerly Technical
Service Code). Materiel basic number. Items
(2) Code F--Direct Support Maintenance
which are the logistic responsibility of a com-
(3) Code H--General Support Mainte-
modity command, other than U. S. Army Avia-
tion Materiel Command (USAAVCOM), are
(4) Code D--Depot Maintenance
indicated by the basic number assigned to the
commodity command.
d. Recoverability Code. Recoverability codes
reflect the recoverability or repairability char-
The basic numbers are:
acteristics of repair parts upon removal from
3--Chemical Materiel
equipment at time of maintenance, repair, or
5--Engineer Materiel
8--Medical Materiel
(1) Code R applies to repair parts and as-
9--Ordnance Materiel
semblies which are economically re-
10--Quartermaster Materiel
parable at direct and general support
1l--Signal Materiel
AGO 5742A
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