![]() TM 55-4920-335-14
2-7. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE. If Test Stand is to
2-8. ARCTIC CONDITIONS. Where the Test Stand is to be
remain inoperative for a prolonged period of time, certain
stored under conditions which will subject it to prolonged
preparations should be made for proper storage depending
periods of sub-zero temperatures, adequate protection should
upon environmental conditions. When storing the unit under
be afforded against the deteriorating effects of wind, snow, and
temperature conditions, the following should be observed:
ice formation. Steps a through k of paragraph 2-7 should be
observed with special attention given to the providing of an
a. Check control panel and place all switches and valves
adequate exterior covering for the unit. When practical, the
in off or closed position.
use of portable electric heaters placed inside the unit is
recommended to raise the ambient temperature to zero
b. Drain hydraulic system by opening drain valve at
degrees Fahrenheit and then removed before placing Test
bottom of reservoir.
Stand in operation.
c. Close drain valve and refill hydraulic system with
2-9. TROPICAL CONDITIONS. Prolonged exposure in
preservative hydraulic oil, Military Specification MIL-O-6083A.
environments of excessively high temperature and humidity
requires special treatment of the Test Stand to ensure
d. Drain high pressure pump (8, figure 1-3) at drain plug
serviceability of the instrumentation. Steps a through k of
located at lower right hand corner of pump case. Replace
drain plug and refill pump with preservative hydraulic oil,
placed upon the adequate use of desiccants to ensure
Military Specification MIL-O-6083A.
prevention of corrosive action due to high moisture content in
the atmosphere.
e. Drain gasoline engine crankcase at oil pan drain plug.
Replace drain plug and refill oil pan with preservative oil,
2-10. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT. The Test Stand does
Military Specification MIL-L-21260.
not require an external container. For shipment, prepare the
unit as follows:
f. Drain electrolyte from battery. Battery must be fully
charged before draining.
Follow steps a through j, paragraph 2-7.
Drain fuel tank and fuel system.
Pad instrument glass es with cushioning material.
h. If compressed air is available, remove housing and
c. Apply water resistant barrier material, Specification
clean interior of road and operating dirt.
JAN-P-125 and pressure sensitive water resistant tape,
Specification JAN-P-127 to all doors and other openings in the
i. If Test Stand is to be stored in area of high humidity,
place several bags of activated desiccant, conforming to
Military Specification MIL-D-3464A inside unit.
d. For relatively short distances, the Test Stand may be
towed by a vehicle up to speeds not exceeding 20 mph.
j. Cap all inlet and outlet ports and fasten housing doors
e. The Test Stand is designed to withstand without loss
of serviceability the normal flight and taxiing acceleration "g"
k. If Test Stand is to be stored out of doors, select a
loads encountered in transporting by cargo aircraft. Tie down
reasonably level, dry area and cover with a tarpaulin or other
rings can be installed at each corner of the unit.
waterproof material. Be sure to set hand brake lever firmly.
Tow bar should be securely latched in upright position.
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