e. Clean the engine air cleaner every 2 to 4
45. Operation in Extreme Cold
a. Lubricate the test stand in accordance
with the lubrication chart.
Humid Conditions
b. Keep the electrolyte at the proper level in
a. Lubricate the test stand in accordance
the battery, and the battery fully charged. If
with the lubrication chart.
water is added to the battery, run the engine
long enough to thoroughly charge the battery.
b. Keep the fuel tank full to prevent accumu-
lation of condensation.
c. Close engine compartment doors as re-
c. Keep electrical components clean and dry.
quired to maintain satisfactory engine operat-
Watch closely for evidence of fungus growth
ing temperature.
and remove promptly.
d. Cover the test stand with a tarpaulin or
and replace with the proper grade of oil.
similar protection when not in use.
46. Operation in Extreme Heat
49. Operation on Salt Water Areas
a. Locate the test stand in a well ventilated
a. Lubricate the test stand in accordance
area and keep all door assemblies open during
with the lubrication chart.
b. Wipe all exposed areas frequently. Clean
b. Lubricate the test stand in accordance
off salt water deposits with clear water and
with the lubrication chart.
wipe dry.
c. Keep the engine shrouding, cylinder heads,
c. Coat all exposed machined metal surfaces
fins, and the air opening in the housing free of
with a thin film of oil.
dirt and obstructions.
d. Retouch or repaint damaged paint sur-
faces to prevent corrosion of exposed metal.
e. Cover the test stand with a tarpaulin or
a. Lubricate the test stand in accordance
similiar protection when not in use.
with the lubrication chart. Keep lubricants,
grease gun, oil containers and fittings clean.
b. Protect the test stand from dust and sand
a. The amount of oxygen delivered to the
as much as possible. Keep the unit clean and
carburetor is reduced when operating at high
free of foreign matter.
altitudes. Reduce the amount of fuel admitted
c. Cover the unit with a tarpaulin when not
by the carburetor by adjusting the fuel mixture
in use.
d. If possible, wet down the area surrounding
b. Keep air cleaner clean to assure maximum
the operating site to keep down dust and sand.
air passage to the carburetor.
AGO 5742A
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