(b) Inspect all fuel lines from the fuel
129. General
pump back to the fuel tank and
The fuel pump, fuel strainer, and fuel tank
tighten any loose connections.
make up the major component of the fuel sys-
(c) Inspect for clogged fuel lines be-
tem. The fuel pump delivers fuel from the fuel
tween the pump and tank. Blow out
tank to the carburetor through the fuel strainer.
with compressed air to clear.
The fuel pump is mounted on the fuel pump
(d) Inspect the fuel pump cover screw
adapter and is operated by an arm and plunger
and tighten if necessary.
mechanism which is actuated by the eccentric
(4) Reinspect the fuel pump performance
on the camshaft.
as directed in (2) above. If the pump
operation is still unsatisfactory, re-
pair or replace the fuel pump as out-
a. Removal.
lined below.
(1) Disconnect the fuel line from the fuel
b. Removal.
strainer (1, fig. 27).
(1) Remove the fuel strainer (par. 130).
(2) Remove the fuel strainer from the pipe
nipple (2) and remove the nipple and
(2) Disconnect the fuel line (4, fig. 27)
elbow (3) from the fuel pump (5).
from the fuel pump (5) and the car-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(3) Remove the two bolts (6) and lock-
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
w a s h e r s (7) that secure the fuel
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
pump and gasket (8) to the fuel pump
(2) Inspect the fuel strainer for a cracked
a d a p t e r (15) and remove the fuel
or broken glass. Inspect the strainer
body for cracks, distortion, and dam-
(4) Remove the two screws (9) and lock-
aged threads. Replace a defective fuel
washers (10) that secure the pump
adapter and the gasket (18) to the
(3) Inspect the nipple and elbow for dis-
crankcase and remove the gasket and
tortion and damaged threads. Replace
a defective part.
(5) Lift the plunger cap (17) with at-
c. Installation.
tached plunger (16) from the crank-
(1) Install the elbow (3, fig. 27) and the
case and remove the cap from the
pipe nipple (2) in the fuel pump (5).
(2) Install the fuel strainer (1) on the
c. Disassembly.
(1) Fuel Pump.
(3) C o n n e c t the fuel line to the fuel
gasket (2) that secure the pulsator
dome (3), gasket (4), and fuel filter
(5) to the fuel head (7) and remove
a. Testing.
the dome, gasket, and filter from the
(1) Be sure the fuel tank is filled.
(2) Disconnect the fuel line (4, fig. 27)
(b) M a t c h mark the head and the
from the carburetor and actuate the
mounting bracket (22) to facilitate
primer handle lever (11). If fuel flows
alining of mating parts during re-
from the disconnected fuel line the
fuel lines and pump are clear.
(c) Remove the six screws and lock-
(3) If there is no flow of fuel or very little,
washer assemblies (6) that secure
perform the following steps:
the head to the bracket and remove
the head with attached valves.
AGO 5742A
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