![]() d. Reassembly and Installation.
(3) Remove the tire valve cap (39) and
check valve (40) from the inner tube
(1) Install the two roller bearing cups
(38) deflating the tube.
(46 and 49, fig. 14), roller bearing
cone (48), and the grease seal (47)
(4) Remove the 8 hex nuts (32), lock-
in the hub (51).
washers (33), and bolts (34) and re-
move the 2 wheel halves (35 and 36)
(2) Press the five rib neck bolts (50) into
from the pneumatic tire (37). Re-
the brake drum (52) and mount the
move the inner tube from the tire.
drum on the hub.
(5) Remove the grease cap (41) from the
(3) Install the hub with attached parts
hub (51).
and the roller bearing cone (45) on
the axle assembly (69).
(6) Remove the cotter pin (42), nut (43),
and key washer (44) from the axle
(4) Install the key washer (44) and cas-
assembly (69).
tellated hex nut (43) on axle, adjust
the bearings as outlined in a above
(7) Remove the roller bearing cone (45)
and install the cotter pin (42).
and the hub with attached parts from
the axle.
(5) Install the grease cap (41) in the hub.
(8) Remove the hub from the brake drum
(6) Insert the inner tube (38) in the pneu-
(52) and remove the five rib neck
matic tire (37). Install the 2 wheel
bolts (50) from the brake drum.
halves (35 and 36) in the tire and
secure together with the 8 bolts (34),
(9) Remove the grease seal (47), roller
lockwashers (33), and hex nuts (32).
bearing cone (48), and the two roller
bearing cups (46 and 49) from the
(7) Install the check valve (40) in the
inner tube and inflate the tube to 30
psi. Install the tire valve cap (39)
(10) Remove and disassemble the other
on the tube.
wheels in a similar manner.
(8) Install the wheel (par. 74).
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(9) Lower the jack, remove the wheel
(1) Clean all metal parts in an approved
blocks and set the brake lever as-
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
sembly (25).
(2) Rotate the bearing cones in their re-
spective cups inspecting rough or
worn rolling elements and races. Re-
place a defective bearing.
a. Tie Rod Adjustment.
(1) Make sure the test stand is on a
(3) Inspect the wheel halves and brake
smooth and level surface.
drum for cracks and distortion. Re-
place a defective wheel half or brake
(2) Lay the drawbar assembly (11, fig.
14) on the surface pointed straight
(4) Inspect the tire for cuts, bruises, wear,
and damaged cord inside the tire. Vul-
(3) Measure the distance between the
canize cuts and bruises if possible.
kingpin (57) on each side to a center
Replace a tire worn or damaged be-
point on the end of the drawbar and
yond repair.
move the drawbar as necessary to
equalize these measurements.
(5) Inspect the tube for leaks by inflating
with air and immersing in water. Re-
(4) Measure the distance between each
pair a leaking tube with rubber patch-
outer tie rod end (4) and the steering
ing material. Replace a tube damaged
arm assembly (14). Equalize these
beyond repair.
measurements by loosening the bolts
(8) in the loop clamps (9) and rotate
(6) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
the tie rods (10) as required. Tighten
tortion and damaged threads. Replace
the bolts after the adjustment is made.
all unserviceable hardware.
AGO 5742A
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