![]() crankcase and secure with the eight
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
lockwashers and bolts.
(1) C l e a n all parts with an approved
Install the woodruff key and the oil
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
pump gear (2, fig. 35) on the drive
(2) Inspect the gears for cracked, broken,
shaft (16) and secure in place with
or chipped teeth. Replace a damaged
the hex nut (1).
or excessively worn gear.
Position the camshaft gear (25, fig.
(3) Inspect the idler gear stud, plunger,
27) on the camshaft alining the holes
and plunger button for nicks, burs,
of the gear and camshaft and at the
and minor abrasions. Remove nicks
same time aline the marked teeth of
and burs with fine emery cloth. Re-
the crankshaft and camshaft gears.
place any part damaged beyond re-
Secure the gear in place with the three
lockwashers (23) and bolts (24).
(4) Inspect the spring for cracks, distor-
I n s e r t the spring (21), camshaft
tion, and lack of tension. Replace a
t h r u s t plunger (20), and plunger
defective spring.
button (19) in the camshaft.
(5) Inspect all attaching hardware for dis-
Position the idler gear on the crank-
tortion and damaged threads and re-
case and install the idler gear stud in
place if defective.
the alined holes of the gear and crank-
c. Installation.
case. Secure the stud in place with
the setscrew.
(1) Position a new gasket (3, fig. 34) and
t h e gear cover spacer (2) on the
Install the gear cover (par. 189).
(4) Remove the 14 bolts (27, fig. 24) and
191. General
l o c k w a s h e r s (28) that secure the
The crankcase cover is essentially the engine
crankcase bottom plate (29) and gas-
oil pan. It is an attached container into which
ket (30) to the crankcase assembly
the engine lubricating oil is returned after
(31) and remove the plate and gasket.
being circulated by the oil pump. A gear-type
oil pump, driven from the idler gear in the
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
timing gear train, draws oil from the oil pan
(1) C l e a n all parts with an approved
through its screen. The oil pump delivers the
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
oil under pressure to an oil header, which
(2) Inspect the plate, elbow, and nipple
sprays oil against the fins of the connecting rod
for cracks, breaks, distortion, and
caps for rod bearing lubrication and directs oil
damaged threads. Repair cracks or
through exterior oil lines to the governor and
leaks in the plate by welding. Replace
bypass-type oil filter. The cylinders are lubri-
any part damaged beyond repair.
cated by the oil mist arising from the connect-
(3) Inspect all attaching hardware for
ing rod caps. Lubrication and splash, plates are
distortion and damaged threads and
installed inside the crankcase to prevent excess
replace if defective.
lubrication of the cylinder walls.
c. Installation.
(1) Position a new gasket (30, fig. 24)
a. Removal.
and the crankcase bottom plate (29)
(1) Drain the oil from the engine.
on the crankcase assembly (31) and
(2) Remove the fuel tank (par. 132).
secure with the 14 lockwashers (28)
and bolts (27). Tighten the bolts to a
(3) Remove the elbow (23, fig. 11) and
torque of 6 to 7 ft-lb.
pipe nipple (22) from the crankcase
(2) Install the pipe nipple (22, fig. 11)
bottom plate (20).
AGO 5742A
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