![]() and the elbow (23) in the crankcase
pump assembly in the crankcase and
bottom plate (20).
remove the oil pump.
(3) Install the fuel tank (par. 132).
b. Disassembly.
(4) Fill the engine crankcase with oil.
(1) Remove the four screws (3, fig. 35)
Refer to table 1.
and lockwashers (4) that secure the
screen (5) to the cover (11) and re-
193. Oil Pump
move the screen.
a. Removal.
(2) Pull the cotter pin (8) from the cover
(1) Remove the engine (par. 108).
releasing the spring (9) and bearing
(2) Remove the crankcase bottom plate
ball (10).
(3) Remove the six screws (6) and lock-
(3) Remove the oil pump (par. 190).
washers (7) that secure the cover and
(4) Remove the pipe plug and the oil
gasket (12) to the body (18) and re-
pump lockscrew that secure the oil
move the cover and gasket.
AGO 5742A
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